League of Legends has thousands of skins and cosmetics, but there are a few rare skins that you won't be seeing in your games every day.

Skins. They’re the way Riot Games has made money off of its huge player base for a long period of time. They’re mere cosmetic items that set your champion apart from the rest. Sure, you can play Kayle, but using a Judgement Kayle skin will really show that this is your main.
So, as a casual LoL player and fan of League of Legends, you might have wondered about unattainable skins, right? Are there any LoL skins out there you can’t get in the skin shop anymore? Which skins are the rarest in League of Legends?
Rarest LoL Skins: What Makes Them So Special?
It’s a simple idea of supply and demand. The demand for skins is always there, but for some specific skins, there is no more supply. These are skins that have been taken out of the League of Legends shop or were only redeemable with specific skin codes.
So, if the skins are not attainable anymore in the shop, then they have low supply, yet might have high demand – thus making them expensive and extremely rare. For example, the ‘Annieversary’ skin for the LoL champion Annie was only available to those who had an account for the 10-year anniversary of League of Legends.
Do any of these late game champs have rare skins?
Similarly, other skins have also been made available to fans for special and certain occasions. Of course, some skins aren’t available anymore since they were just too ugly for Riot to keep on selling them.
If you’re an OG League of Legends player, then you might even have some of these rare League skins. If you’ve been around that long, then you could probably sell your LoL account for hundreds and thousands of dollars, but we’ll get into the nitty-gritty throughout the article. So let’s not waste time and check out the rarest LoL skins.
What Are the Rarest LoL Skins?
PAX Twisted Fate
PAX Twisted Fate is the first PAX skin and was given out to those who attended PAX all the way back in 2009. Who were the lucky people able to obtain this skin? Well, the first 20,000 people who showed up to the Penny Arcade Expo – PAX for short.

PAX Twisted Fate codes went for up to $450 after the event was over.Any unused codes of the PAX Twisted Fate skin were disabled. So if you’ve got an account with PAX Twisted Fate, you could probably fetch a hefty sum of money in today as well.
Twisted Fate wasn’t the only PAX skin made available to players through the Penny Arcade Expo. In 2010, a code for the PAX Jax skin was also given to anyone who attended the expo. How many codes were actually given out for this skin is unknown, but it can’t have been too many because this is one of the rarest LoL skins out there.

PAX Jax is another PAX skin that can make you rich. Seriously, there are people out there paying hundreds of dollars to have an account with this skin on it. Anyone remember their old League of Legends password from 2011?
PAX Sivir
Sivir also received a PAX skin. This one came in 2011 at the Penny Arcade Expo. The skin is a reference to the movie Tron. Similar to PAX Jax and PAX Twisted Fate any codes for this skin were disabled in 2014.

In 2017 Riot Games released an updated version of PAX Sivir, known as Neo PAX Sivir which uses the same model as the original PAX Sivir, but has upgraded colors. This skin is an ultra-rare skin, but available in the LoL store.
Black Alistar
Black Alistar is another extremely rare LoL skin. It is one of the first skins ever created, all the way back in 2009. It was bundled with pre-orders of the League of Legends collector's edition before it was released. Around 65,000 people had pre-ordered the game.

If you’re looking to pick up an account with a Black Alistar skin – though this skin looks a lot more like a regular chroma to Alistar – then you will have to fork over $500 dollars at least.
Victorious Jarvan IV
Victorious Jarvan IV is also unavailable in shops. Not only was it the first-ever end of season reward, but it's also one of the rarest skins in the game. Who do you know that played in Season 1 of League of Legends is still playing today with the same account?

Some accounts on account buying sites for up to $900. Of course, other accounts are 'cheaper' at around $400, but this just goes to show that it's a very rare and sought after skin. If you still have one on your account, then you could easily get rich just because of Victorious Jarvan IV.
Rusty Blitzcrank
Rusty Blitzcrank is another skin that is not in shops anymore. It was another attempt at an early skin by League of Legends, and honestly, it’s good that Riot removed this abomination from the shop. Why? Nothing changed. It’s not even worth as a chroma.

This is the only non-legacy skin to ever be removed from the shop. Most believe that it was removed due to the bad texture, making this skin look just like the original Blitzcrank. 520 RP was not worth the price.
Championship Riven
Championship Riven was released as a legacy skin in 2012 to celebrate the 2012 World Championship. Since then, Riot has released multiple other championship skins.

If you’re looking for a Championship Riven skin, then an account with this skin goes for around $300. The prices only go up from there.
Silver Kayle
Silver Kayle was released back in 2009 along with the collector’s edition and three other skins. It has become a super rare skin and an account with the skin can be sold for around $80.

This skin is extremely rare and most people don’t have a chance to obtain this skin anymore unless they pay for an account that has the skin already unlocked, since there is no other way of gaining access to it.
Young Ryze
Another skin which was released in 2009. Similar to the Black Alistar skin this one could be obtained by pre-ordering the collectors' edition.

If you’re looking for a Young Ryze or Human Ryze skin in today’s economy, then you’ll likely have to fork over a small fortune – at least when you think about it. A LoL account with Human Ryze can be sold for up to $160.
In 2019, League of Legends had it's 10-year-anniversary. To celebrate players received a special skin for Annie called 'Annieversary' skin. Of course, we got to have Tibbers with a Teemo hat in the skin as well which makes this an even more iconic skin.

This skin isn't considered rare just yet, but with time, it will become one of the more rare skins since you're only able to attain it through the 10-year-anniversary event Riot put on. So... if you made an account post 2019, then good luck getting this skin.
UFO Corki
UFO Corki was a free promotional skin that was given to players who had registered their account before January 14, 2010. Anyone after that date was unlucky enough not to be gifted with this unique skin.

Any LoL accounts with this skin in their inventory can be sold for around $90. It isn’t the same heights as Black Alistar, but for a mere cosmetic, this is quite a lot.
- UFO Corki might not be available anymore, but these are some skins you could pick up for Corki.
King Rammus
King Rammus is another rare skin in League of Legends. This skin was published before League of Legends was even public and any players who had participated in the closed beta were gifted this rare LoL skin.

LoL accounts with a King Rammus skin usually sell for around $60. This is quite a lot for such an old skin, and one that isn’t particularly unique either.
Are there Other Notable Rare Skins?
There are a few other unique skins that are also considered quite rare. Some skins were released for special occasions, like Vancouver Amumu which came out in celebration during the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.
Riot Squad Singed, Medieval Twitch and Victorious Janna also come to mind when thinking of rare skins that you don’t encounter too often when playing League of Legends these days.

How Rare are Legacy Skins?
Legacy skins are rather rare skins that are not constantly available in the store. These skins can usually be obtained either through Hextech crafting or by Mystery Gifting. These skins are also often only available during specific times of the year.
- Want to know more about unique skins? Check out our Guide to Prestige Skins!
For example, any Harrowing skin is considered a Legacy skin, and these are often only available during the Harrowing event around Halloween. The same goes for Snowdown skins or Heartseeker skins.
Are Mythic Skins Considered Rare?
League of Legends always had 'mythic' content skins. These are exclusive skins for sale with gemstones, but in 2022 Riot changed the mythic currency to Mythic Essence, with which players can now purchase skins in the Mythic Shop.
Both Prestige Skins, as well as Hextech skins are available on a rotation basis in this shop. Riot has also created new mythic thematics for which they will make unique skins only available for those who purchase Mythic Essence with real money. These are not considered 'rare' though, since the skins can be found in Masterwork chests as well.
So while the skins are exclusive, they cannot be considered rare.
How Do You Craft Skins in League of Legends?
You’re able to craft legacy and ultimate skins in your crafting tool in your League of Legends client. If you’ve managed to pull a skin shard of a legacy or rare skin, you’ll be able to craft it into a permanent skin. This is done by using your saved up Orange Essence, which you get by disenchanting skins you don't want. You can spend Orange essence along with your skin shard to permanently unlock the skin.
So by opening hextech chests, you’ll be able to also get access to rare skins in League of Legends. Though, some of the rarest skins like PAX Sivir, Black Alistar and Young Ryze are not available through these methods.