Some roles in League of Legends just have more influence on the game than others. Now former LoL caster Phreak revealed which roles are too OP in the game.

There are multiple roles players can choose in League of Legends. Now, one of the devs revealed that some have more impact than others – which really isn't news at all – but which lane is the most impactful, and what is Riot doing about it?
In the recent League of Legends Patch 13.17 one class of champions is going to be seeing some nerfs, and it's because Riot deems this to be the strongest role in the entire game.
LoL: Riot Phreak Reveals Strongest Role In League of Legends
The well-known League of Legends dev, David "Phreak" Turley, revealed some interesting information the other day while he was streaming. Since he was a former League of Legends caster, he's well known within the community and he's always been very transparent when it came to champion balance changes.
So, he revealed that there is one role that is 20% stronger than every other role in League of Legends. Would you happen to guess which one? Of course, it isn't the top lane. Instead, he revealed that the jungle role is the strongest role within the game.
So as far as we can measure, it’s about 20% stronger as a role than other roles. If we literally nerfed the overall power of jungle by 15%, that would probably be about appropriate and fair.

In the upcoming League of Legends patch, Riot will be nerfing a bunch of jungle champions, as well as the jungle pets, which is what had prompted one of the viewers to ask Phreak about the nerfs and the strength of the jungle.
Phreak also added on that it is extremely difficult to balance the jungle, since nerfing it too much would keep people from playing the role and making it one of the least popular ones in the game. What does it mean when a role is unpopular? You're more likely to end up getting autofilled into such a role.
Historically we had a big problem where jungle was not a popular role and so not only was jungle OP, but it was also like ‘Did your jungler get autofilled? You’re gigaf***ed.’ Because not only was jungle OP, your jungler is bad and it’s like wow this game is literally just non-autofilled jungler wins
So, now the balance team is going to look to nerf a few specific champions, as well as a few systems in the jungle to try and even things out, but there could be some more changes coming very soon.