Some champion releases are complete and utter duds. One champion in particular hasn't been around for that long but they've become one of the least played champs in the game.

Some champion releases just aren't the best. Take Rell, she was a complete mess and right after her release patch she was basically forgotten. Thankfully she's been resurrected through a mid-scope update, but there is another champion that has been left by the wayside.
Not every champion can be the number one most played, but after only being around for a short time to drop as low as this one has is pretty sad. So, will Riot do anything about it, or is it just because of the champion's nature and how situational they are?
LoL: New Champion Is One Of The Least Popular

Some champions are forever stuck in the 'never seen' department in League of Legends. Shyvana, Skarner and Corki are some of those. But recently, another champion has joined the list and unlike the champions we just mentioned, she's actually still pretty new.
In 2022 Riot released Renata Glasc to the game and for once it felt like a mostly balanced champion has made its way onto Summoner's Rift. She was great, had good lore and had a unique playstyle for an enchanter.
But, a year into her release, many fans have apparently stopped picking her. A Reddit thread recently went viral in which someone questioned why exactly Renata has fallen off in popularity and why we barely see her on Summoner's Rift anymore.
Why did Renata become the 4th least played champion in the game? by u/Boudynasr in leagueoflegends
Most explained that while she is a good pick, she is not a safe blind pick option, unlike the newest support Milio who feels very safe to pick.
Not only that, but she is also reliant on the enemy team's comp. Renata is great in specific situations, but falls off in others. Most explained that Renata is someone who will counter hard engages or champs that rely on resets.
These aspects in her kit make her a very niche pick for specific situations, thus players might not see her all too often.
Overall, Renata Glasc is a decent pick, but she does not have a space in the current meta, which means we're going to see less of her and more of other champions.