The LCS Season is nearing its end, and we already know, that with TSM one of the contacted franchises wants to leave the league. Now, rumors about a potential second team leaving are making the rounds.

The face of the North American LCS will change after the end of this season. With TSM, one of the oldest, biggest and most popular franchises wants to sell their spot in the competition. Now rumors are spreading about a second team, that's looking for a buyer. All this amidst the reported financial struggle of many orgs.
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LoL: Another LCS Slot Is Reportedly Up For Sale
Teams come and go, this is normal in every franchise league around the world, as organizations and owners are trying to make profits with the slots. Esport is no exception to this, and so from time to time we are able to see some new names within the leagues.
The North American LCS was one of the first League of Legends competitions, where the franchising system was implemented, and many well known orgs originally purchased slots. With TSM, we know of at least one big franchise that wants to sell its slot for the upcoming year.
The newest episode of #FaceCheck is out! Covering: The end of @Doublelift1's career? @100T_Esport year ending in disaster...AND MORE!By @dGon, @IWDominate & @LSXYZ9 #LeagueOfLegends #LPL #LCK #LEC
— (@EsportsBet) August 9, 2023
Now new rumors are making the rounds, that a second org is looking out for a potential buyer, or has already sold its spot in the LCS. These rumors were spread by Daniel "dGon" Gonzales on the Facecheck Podcast, which he hosts together with former pro-player Christian "IWDominate" Rivera and Analyst/Coach Nick "LS" De Cesare.
In the podcast, after talking about the leaving TSM franchise, dGon claimed,
The rumor is, there is a team that has already sold. There is a team, that has already sold and it's just a matter of time, so when this episode comes out, you heard it here first.
According to dGon, he had two sources, and it would make sense in his eyes for the unnamed team to sell its slot. "I'm going to talk about it, when we get there". When asked by IWDominate, whether it is a good sale and if he's happy with who's coming in, dGon stated, "I'm happy with who's going out".

Of course, if this information proves to be true, it'll be huge news, since some of the League's teams have reportedly been in financial trouble. This was highlighted shortly before the start of the Summer Split, when multiple orgs tried to get rid of their Challenger rosters and the beef between the orgs, Riot Games and the LCS Player Association escalated, leading to the LCS Walkout.
Of course many speculations have been ignited due to dGon claims, but there aren't any safe information out there, who would want to sell the slot and who could be potential buyer. It will be interesting to follow the process in the near future, and witness which team, beside TSM, will leave the league.
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