In League of Legends, the Ashen Knight skins have been either a hit or miss. This rotating new mythic skin line has some insane skins, while some insane flops in its inventory as well. So, what will the final skin of the Ashen Knight skin line be?

At the beginning of the year Riot announced their new mythic skin line. The first champion, Pyke was a complete and utter hit with the fans, while the following two skins rotating in a 3-month cycle through the mythic shop were universally hated by the community.
It seems like we're going to be getting one more champion in this skin line according to leakers. Then the skin line will be retired from the mythic shop and a new seasonal mythic will be added into the mix. So let's go over what skin we could potentially receive, as well as when it could release.
League of Legends: New Ashen Knight Skin Leaked
According to BigBadBear on YouTube, the next champion to get an Ashen Knight skin is going to be none other than our good friend Mordekaiser... but judging by the header image you've probably already guessed this, right?
Hopefully, Riot will be able to make an epic skin to cap off the mythic skin line, just like they did for Pyke when they kicked it off. The Pyke skin was one of the most popular all year, while the next two skins were insane flops, due to the excessive amounts of abs, lack of armor and weird helmets.
Even if some of the Ashen Knight skins were flops, this LoL Worlds Series sure as hell wasn't a flop:
With Mordekaiser, the skins team shouldn't have these issues since the champion is 90% made out of meta. Unless... they decide to give him some metal armour abs... that's always an option as well. Of course, this is just a leak so any information is subject to change.
Potential Mordekaiser Ashen Knight Skin Release
Mythic skins rotate every three months. The first skin, Ashen Knight Pyke was released in Patch 12.6, while Ashen Conquerer Pantheon was released in LoL Patch 12.12 and Ashen Slayer Sylas in LoL Patch 12.18. If we go by the same system for this upcoming Mordekaiser skin, then it would be Patch 12.24.
That's where we run into a problem though. Patch 12.24 does not exist. The League of Legends year will end with 12.23, so either Riot will push this skin forward one patch and release it in Patch 12.23, or we get it in 2023 with Patch 13.1. Either way, the skin should be out around the new year, so get hyped for one more banger Ashen Knight skin.