League of Legends players are getting some more Snow Moon skins in 2023. These are some beautiful LoL skins that are all part of the Blood Moon skin universe already.

Ahri is going to be getting her first brand-new skin after the release of her Art and Sustainability Update which went live earlier this year. She will be a getting a Snow Moon skin which was introduced last year as part of the Blood Moon universe.
Who else, along with Ahri is going to get a skin this time around? After a handful of Inkshadow skins in Patch 13.9, what can we expect the next League of Legends patch to hold for us in terms of cosmetics?
LoL Snow Moon Skins: Champions
In this update we aren't going to be getting a lot of skins. Since the previous patch had eight new skins, this time we will have a few skins, but all of them are absolutely beautiful
- Snow Moon Ahri
- Snow Moon Morgana
- Snow Moon Varus
Just like in the previous year, only a few champions will get Snow Moon skins. While there aren't a lot of these skins, all of them look great, even the ones from the year before.
Like moonlight on fresh snow Snow Moon Ahri Snow Moon Morgana Snow Moon Varus pic.twitter.com/Smqt2BMmlZ
— League of Legends // UK, IE & Nordics (@LoLUKN) May 2, 2023
The highlight from these three is definitely Ahri. Her new model and animations work wonders with this skin line and the aesthetic of it and it looks like it'll be a must-buy for any Ahri main out there. Thanks Riot... not like I wasn't missing RP already anyway.
- Need some RP to get the Snow Moon skin you want? Then sign up for Amazon Prime , where you can receive monthly Prime Gaming goodies.
How Much Will The Snow Moon Skins Cost?
These skins are all going to cost 1350 RP and should be classified as Epic skins. With Riot just bringing out a new Prestige, as well as a new Legendary skin in LoL Patch 13.9 with the Inkshadow skin line, we won't be getting anything too extravagent and expensive.
LoL Snow Moon Skins: Release Date
These skins will be released with LoL Patch 13.10. Riot have already announced some pretty big things, balance wise for this patch, but it's going to be a small cosmetic patch.
But after the release of the MSI 2023 event, as well as Inkshadow skins we aren't even mad, because we have to save some of our RP, right? There is still a big Summer Event Riot has been planning, with a brand-new skin line as well.
Want to get a gift for your League of Legends duo? Why don't you pick up Realms of Runeterra to show them all the cool art of League!