After a game of League of Legends, even after a win, most players don't feel satisfied. And if a player has said something to piss you off, you might even be tempted to go for the report button, but beware, according to Riot August this kind of behavior may come back to bite you...

Whenever you encounter toxic players in League of Legends you (obviously) report them, hoping that Riot will do something about the player behind the champion. Often times though it feels like nothing is being done by Riot and there could be a pretty interesting reason behind this.
League of Legends Champion Lead, Riot August, revealed during his stream on October 17 that players who spam report will likely get ignored by Riot, so it's important to only report players when they are actually being toxic.
LoL: Don't Spam Report In League of Legends
Riot August revealed that Riot does tend to ignore player reports from those who consistently report someone. This basically follows the principle of 'the boy who cried wolf' which means that those who report someone for every little thing are likely just annoyed after a game and want to let out their frustration somehow.
We look at reports less from people who report too much… Player who reports everybody for most pointless things, we don’t listen to their reports because it’s really easy to identify that player. This person is just mad at everyone and will report anybody for doing literally anything
So it's best to report players who are being toxic, but not to report everyone and their mother for saying one thing you disagree with in every single game or ARAM you play. Then the system will just begin to filter out your reporting, and you'll be ignored even when you have a genuine reason to report.
Is this something that Riot should be doing, or should they take every report into account? Honestly, most players seem to agree with the way Riot is doing it, since this means the system has a higher chance of identifying legitimate reports against players who are genuinely behaving in a toxic manner.
So, make sure not to "over-report" so the Riot system can actually find those who are behaving in a toxic manner.
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