It's time to nostalgia bait and reminisce about some of the things we miss from the old League of Legends.

Over the years League of Legends has changed... a lot. The game used to have fewer champions, different items and completely different graphics. Thinking back to these things, some players get pretty nostalgic, but what is it that players miss the most?
Recently a Reddit thread went viral in which long time League of Legends players discussed the aspects of the games they missed the most. What was one of the things most players felt nostalgic about? The community.
LoL Players Miss The Old League Community
While there are items, as well as game modes that have been removed from League of Legends completely, when asked what people miss the most it seems that many believe the sense of community has gone missing throughout the last few years.
- Riot might not bring back game modes often, but we do have some cool content outside of the game like the League of Legends Lux comic !
The social culture of this game definitely changed an insane amount. In the first 4-5 seasons, I made so many friends from solo queue. We would add each other and play all the time. That almost never happens anymore. People barely talk.
What do you miss most about old league? by in leagueoflegends
This sentiment was echoed by multiple other players as well who feel that these days, players simply don't talk anymore and only flame one another. With features like the post-game chat also being opt-in, many players don't talk to one another in the post-game lobbies anymore either.
Some players also feel that the community had been more creative in the past, especially when it comes to content creation around League of Legends. There used to be a huge community on YouTube making fun videos about League, but it feels like most of that has been replaced by stream reaction content.
- Not even esports teams have as good of content anymore... but this is a beauty: The Razer DeathAdder Faker Edition !
MagirkapUsedFly and yakkocmn talk about it in their Videos on why they quit League Content. Between the Toxicity, writing Scripts, figuring out interesting Ideas and then getting Footage, and then Creative Tools not functioning properly because it's all third Party Apps, you can't compete with the Sea of Stream Highlights.
It isn't just the social aspects that people miss though, with some pointing out that the game has sped up significantly throughout the last few years. In 2022 Riot tried to combat the rampant power creep that has been taking a hold of League, but the durability update hasn't had too much of an impact on the speed of the game.
For anyone who has been playing League of Legends for a long time, there are probably a lot of things we wish Riot would bring back and that would change. At least this year we're finally getting a new game mode, eh?