League of Legends currently has over 160 playable champions. Many of them are female and have some absolutely stunning design. So, in this article we're going to rank the 10 hottest female champions in League of Legends.

Ranking the top 10 hottest female LoL champs is not a simple task. At the moment League of Legends has 164 playable champions and 62 of them are female, and yes we counted Bel'Veth as well. And we have to say, many of League's female champions have a stunning design and unique look.
The Riot Games Design team did a good job in the last decade, and has kept the designs fresh with reworks and adaptations to more modern standards. So we had some tough choices to make. Here is our top 10 hottest female LoL champs.
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10. Samira

Samira is not just an absolute menace on the bot lane and can beat everyone up, she's also looks damn good while doing so. And somehow she manages it to look even a little bit scarier than Katarina. I'm genuinely afraid she'd beaten me up if I told her she looks hot. Such a nice champion design with some badass touches in it.
9. Ashe

She rules Freljord, she rules the lane, but unfortunately she's not ruling our top 10. So in position 9 we have the beautiful Ashe.
She might be one of the oldest champions, but she doesn't look like it, and is always fresh as ice. Let's hope her hands aren't as cold as her looks, so the poor Lady doesn't freeze, of course.
8. Irelia

Sometimes a new style helps to keep looking fresh. And the Riot Design Team did such a good job with Irelia's re-design. She's surely in a league of her own. A dangerous top lane champion with a stunning ability and a stunning design. A well deserved 8th place for her, even tho she's a 10/10.
Renata Glasc

Well, now we have Renata Glasc, and how do we describe her at best? Maybe "bossy" or straight up dangerous would be the most fitting words. But one thing is for sure, her design is pretty unique and even with her one arm missing, she's hot has hell. And she can make the bot lane to her hell as well. An overall nice looking and always playable champion. Ok, ok, the best description would just be "mommy".
6. Caitlyn

For over a decade now, Caitlyn has blessed the bot lane with her appearances. Since her rework she's looking even better. And just liker basic attacks, she always seems out of range. A strong and dominant champion with a great graphical design.
5. Katarina

Hot and dangerous? A perfect description of Katarina. And just like her ability kit ingame, her design has a certain badass flavor to it. We certainly like her, not ingame but from a graphics perspective, so she truly deserves a place in the top 5 hottest female champions.

You don't have to be an animal friendly person, to like Nidalee's design. But still, her animalistic graphics are hot as hell and fits perfectly to her backstory and ingame character. An overall beautiful design and it's a shame, that she's out of the meta. We want to see her more often.
3. Ahri

We know you already waited for it, and of course is Ahri in our top 10 of the hottest female Lol champs. Since her release, she was praised for her beautiful design and her magnificent skins. So she totally deserves the third rank, and a place on the podium
2. Evelynn

It's a damn shame that Evelynn runs around invisible for 90 % of the game's time. Cause her design, and nearly every skin, are astonishing well-made. Together with her voice lines, she can drive us crazy. Additionally, she's one of the strongest junglers, once she gets to snowball, a perfect mixture.
1. Miss Fortune

Ladies and Gentlemen, we got a winner. Undoubtably Miss Fortune is the hottest female champion in all of League of Legends. Hot as her gun barrels we would say. Every is beautiful and well-designed, so she's a deserved winner.
And there you have it, our top 10 of the hottest female champions in League of Legends.
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