Let's take a look at the upcoming Challenges in League of Legends!

During the 2022 Season live stream, Riot showed off the changes coming to the Prestige Shop, new upcoming skins, as well as lots of other new features that will be hitting the rift throughout 2021.
One of the biggest changes is the addition of ‘Challenges’ which will give players a chance to customize their profile, even if they aren’t focused on the grind of solo queue. So let’s recap and go over everything that Challenges are in League of Legends.
What Are Challenges in LoL?
Challenges will give every player a chance to show off their skill in League of Legends on their profile. Unlike other one-and-done achievements, Challenges will be able to level up by completing them multiple times.
So, you could be a ‘bronze’ player in a certain challenge, but by playing more games of League of Legends, you can level up the challenge and show off just how good you are at certain aspects of your favorite MOBA.
Challenges are put into various categories, since Riot will focus on giving every player a Challenge that fits them and their playstyle.
What Challenge Categories Will Exist?
You’ll be able to find the challenges in a special tab in the League of Legends client once they go live. There will be a total of six categories of different challenges in the League of Legends client:
Categories | Description | Examples |
Imagination | Modes and innovative plays make this category the home for those who dare to dream |
Expertise | Skillfully crushing your opponents is the way to earn big in this category |
Teamwork & Strategy | Working together with your team to dominate the Rift is the focus here |
Veterancy | Putting up big lifetime numbers in kills, gold earned, and other stats will help boost this bucket |
Collection | It's in the name. Collecting cosmetics and engaging in loot fills the bars here |
The sixth challenge category is Legacy Challenges, which are time-limited challenges to commemorate past achievements others can no longer obtain. They don't contribute to your overall progress, nor can you level up Legacy as a category.

Where Can You Find Challenges?
Challenges are going to be added to the League of Legends client. You can see them all in a brand-new tab within the client. When Challenges launch, there will be 300 for you to complete and add to your profile. All of them will be visible in the specified tab.
What Are Challenge Tokens and Cards?
Challenge cards are displayed in the Challenges tab Riot will be adding to the League of Legends client. The cards will include all the information you need and want to see when it comes to Challenges in League of Legends. So let's go over what information is going to be on the Challenge Card.
Challenge Tokens
This is going to be the primary information on the card. It's dead center and also the largest information. Challenge Tokens are unique icons that represent specific challenges. Tokens can also be added to your profile as well.
In the upper left corner of the Challenges Card, you'll be able to see how many points this specific challenge contributes to your overall challenge score, while the upper right corner shows which game mode you can play to earn points for this challenge.
If you look at the bottom of the Challenge Card, you'll be able to spot the next reward for levelling the challenge. Will you be able to earn a cool title with these challenges? If you work hard enough, yes.
How Can You Use Challenges to Personalize Your Profile?
With Challenges, you'll be able to personalize your profile. You'll have the chance to choose specific challenges you want to show off on your player card. Of course, the central piece of your player identity remains your Summoner Icon, but when hovering over it, a tooltip showing current and past rank, Summoner Icon info, and detailed Challenges information including their rank for each of the five categories will be displayed.
Not only that, but by completing certain challenges will also grant players a specific title which will be visible to other players, showing off your skill in specific areas of League of Legends.
If you want, you'll also be able to add three challenges of your choice to your banner. So, if you're about to play some ARAMs with a few friends, then make sure to equip all the ARAM tokens available to you so you can intimidate the rest of your team.
When Will Challenges Go Live?
Challenges should start being integrated into the League of Legends client for League of Legends Patch 12.9. Riot is already testing these on the PBE server. Not only that, the team has dark launched challenges to be sure that they work on a larger scale. This was done on the NA server, where more information has been released.
Which Challenge crest are you aiming for? Do you want to show off your love for ARAM, or being able to kill the most dragons of your friends?