The fourth instalment of the Matrix franchise, Resurrection (2021) ended with quite the sequel bait. What are the chances for a possible Matrix 5?

The Matrix may be one of the most iconic franchises, kicking off in 1999 and releasing two more movies in 2003. After ann 18-year-long hiatus, fans actually got Matrix 4: Resurrection and, honestly, the ending of that one is a classic sequel bait. So, how likely is a Matrix 5?
Granted, the fourth movie wasn't the best one in the series, but not using Keanu Reeve's obvious immortality (does that man ever age?) seems like a wasted chance, right? Neo, are you coming back? Like Barbie, mayhaps?
Is A Matrix Sequel In The Works?
Another trilogy makes sense for a lot of fans, so they're not only hoping for Matrix 5, but Matrix 6 as well. And it would make sense: there's so much Neo and Trinity have sworn to do, and it would be a shame if they did it all without an audience, right?
Still, Matrix writer and director Lana Wachowski said back in 2021 that she isn't planning on making another trilogy. The answer: a resounding "No!"
At the San Francisco premiere of #TheMatrixResurrections, co-writer/director Lana Wachowski says the fourth film isn't the start of a new #Matrix trilogy.
— AP Entertainment (@APEntertainment) December 21, 2021
But keep in mind, she also didn't plan on even doing the fourth movie Resurrection and we still got that, even if it was 18 years after the first trilogy wrapped up. So, maybe 2039 is the year? I'm sure Keanu Reeves will look just the same by then, anyway.
Ann Sarnoff, the CEO of WarnerMedia, keeps the door on Matrix 5 open, though. She told Deadline:
Anytime Lana (Wachowski) wants to make a movie, we're all in.
How Could Matrix 5 Continue The Story?

Just a quick recap on How Matrix Resurrection ended: Trinity can fly now and basically has the powers Neo had in the first trilogy (or they're both the Chosen Ones now. Chosen Two?). Trinity and Neo explain to The Analyst that they intend to remake the Matrix as they please and fly away.
So, the premise of Matrix 5 is basically right there: make good on their promise. And there's a whole movie just waiting to be written – after all, the machines are threatened by the duo's new power more than ever and that just calls for a counteroffensive to maintain their control, doesn't it?
The Matrix and the real world are just waiting for another epic battle to settle things once and for all, if you ask me. But at the end of the day, it's Wachowski's call if Neo and Trinity return or if the last we saw of them is their triumphant escape at the end of Matrix Resurrection.
So, don't hold your breath on Matrix 5 – but don't give up hope, either. Red pill or blue pill, I reckon.