Try this Warzone mechanic to get an easy loadout in the first few minutes of your match!

Every Warzone player knows the struggle. If you play solos, getting your first loadout always takes a lot of time and risk. There is a way to work around this problem, which we will discuss today.
IceManIsaac uploaded a video, talking about some Warzone pro tips that are very useful for every player.
How To Get A Quick First Loadout
There is a mechanic that not many players know about: the Squad Assemble bonus. When someone from your squad pings a landing spot, you and your teammates can land there to get bonus experience.
If you do this at a hot drop location, your squad also gets a Supply UAV, with which you're able to see the red loot boxes that drop your favorite loadout.
Of course, if you're playing solos, this is not an option.
But, you can actually buy Supply UAVs for only $2000. It is much faster to collect $2000 and look for the red crate with the Supply UAV, than buying a Loadout for $7500.
So the next time you're going into a solo match, try quickly finding $2000 to get your loadout as fast as possible, and start destroying the poor souls that are still trying to find $7500.
Watch the full video here for more awesome tips:
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