There is a lot of speculation about the next Fire Emblem game. I'll tell you everything we know so far and why there probably won't be a sequel for Fire Emblem Engage.

It's been a while since Fire Emblem Engage was released. Now, let's take a look at what could be coming next for us in the Fire Emblem franchise.
The Next Fire Emblem Game: Will There Be A Sequel?
I can assure you that a sequel is really unlikely. While Fire Emblem Engage is a great game, it hasn't had the same impact as Fire Emblem: Three Houses . If it had similar sales (and a more compelling story), there might be a chance for a story spin-off within the Warriors series. Unfortunately, that's not the current situation.
Fire Emblem Engage was supposed to be a celebration game for the 30th anniversary of Fire Emblem. Sadly, the release got delayed from 2021 to 2023. Rumor has it that it actually was produced at the same time as Fire Emblem: Three Houses and was finished way earlier than it got released. Why Nintendo waited so long to release the game remains unanswered.

But hey, this doesn't mean Fire Emblem Engage is a bad game! It's still the 4th best-selling Fire Emblem title. And while the story might be a bit flat, gameplaywise, it did tons of things right. Every character has unique abilities, there is a clear structure for weapons, no weapon consumption and lots of strategies you can try out in new run-throughs with different difficulties. With the new ring pairing mechanic, you can also engage with popular Emblems from past games, such as Marth , Lucina or Ike .
What Kind of Fire Emblem Game Can We Expect Next?
So, it won't be a sequel, probably. What other options do we have then? It's either going to be a brand-new main line game or a remake from a previous game. Let's focus on the former first!
Fire Emblem: Will We Get A Main Line Game Again?
There is definitely a slight chance. There is a typical rhythm happening for the game releases of the Fire Emblem franchise. Usually every two years, we either got a new main line game or a remake from an older game.

However, if we take a look at the latest remake Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia , which is a remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden, we got two main line games first and then afterward the remake for Gaiden. Additionally, "Echoes" could initiate the start of a series of remakes. If my thought process is right, then first call me a legend, and second, next in line there should be a remake and not a main line game, since the latest FE (Fire Emblem) games were the Nintendo Switch titles. For more deets about the FE game releases, check out the pic below:
Fire Emblem: Will We Get A Remake?
On reddit, there is a huge discussion about an FE4 (Genealogy of the Holy War) remake probably being the next game after Fire Emblem Engage. And to be honest, this would totally make sense. We already got remakes for FE1, FE2 and FE3. Therefore, next in line should be Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.
With my previous theory, it could be a title, such as Fire Emblem Echoes: Genealogy of the Holy War. Well, that's kinda long. How about Fire Emblem Echoes: The Twelve Crusaders of Jugdral. Okay, that's even worse. One last try – Fire Emblem Echoes: Holy War. Yeah, I can live with that, short and simple. But of course, this is just speculation and a shot in the dark.
Next Fire Emblem Game: Possible Release Date
According to the classic 2-year rhythm of game releases, we can expect a new FE game in early to mid 2025. Until we get some more deets in a Nintendo Direct, we need to be a bit more patient. So, how about you start a new run in Fire Emblem Engage first?

With the possible announcement of the Nintendo Switch 2 for us, there is also a chance that the next Fire Emblem title will be launched for the new console.
But please keep in mind that nothing has been confirmed yet. While a FE4 remake would make a lot of sense, everything is based on rumors and speculation.