Fortnite Ranked is the competitive mode in Fortnite, where you can climb up the ranks to face better players. However, the scoring system is often very confusing to the community. After our investigation we are now able to show you how the Fortnite Ranked system actually works and how you can reach Unreal!

Fortnite Ranked is the popular rank-based-mode in Fortnite, which replaced the Fortnite Arena mode. Since this change, players were always wondering how their percentages are calculated at the end of a Fortnite Ranked match.
Well, that's not easy to be fair. Fortnite has changed a lot about the Ranked mode over time. But we have tried out a few things and can finally show you how the point system and percentages in Fortnite Ranked actually work.
Fortnite Ranked: What It Is And How It Works
Fortnite Ranked evaluates the performance of your recent matches and gives you a certain rating, which ends up in a specific rank. In Fortnite Ranked, there are currently the following ranks:
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
- Diamond
- Elite
- Champion
- Unreal

The ranks from Bronze to Diamond have three different division each, while Elite, Champion, and Unreal only have one level but a slow progression. Once you have reached the coveted Unreal rank, you can no longer descend. Instead, you get an exact placement on the worldwide Unreal-Leaderboard.
Fortnite Ranked System: How To Gain Percentages
In a nutshell, your point or percentage score is measured based on your kills and placement in a single match. However, many have noticed that they sometimes gained or lost more points than in another similar match.
And yes, it might seem like the point system is based on rolling the dice. But like in any video game, there are lots of factors, numbers, and calculations behind this. And now we'll show you in detail how your percentages in Fortnite Ranked are calculated!
Winning Percentages – Not Every Kill Is Worth The Same
First -yes, kills are a crucial indicator for getting points in Ranked. Especially in the ranks from Bronze to Platinum, a kill almost always prevents a loss of points or even guarantees plus points, even if you died early. Of course, this depends on whether you play alone or in a team.
But as soon as you hit Diamond, kill points change drastically. Let's take Solo as the simplest example. A kill and 80th place give you much fewer points than if you land on 10th place with a kill. That means, that your placement makes a difference.

However, placement points are worth less and less with ascending ranks. But an Epic Victory is still very valuable at any rank. Whether you come second, third, or fourth is pretty irrelevant, though.
Back to eliminations. A kill has now standard value because if fewer players are alive, eliminations will give you more points. Also, kill points depend on your opponent's and your own rank.
If you are an Elite player, and you eliminate an Unreal player, it's worth significantly more than an opponent of your rank or a lower one.
Losing Percentages – Circumstances Make A Difference
When you are eliminated, the point system works the same as you're getting a kill. If you are below the rank of the opponent, you lose less percent because the game doesn't expect you to win this fight. But if you are the same rank or even higher, the game punishes you even more.
Moreover, you lose more points for a bad placement in the higher ranks than in the lower ones. It's kinda similar to the "Bus Driver Costs" you paid at the start of a high rank Fortnite Arena match. So first you have to compensate that through good placement and kills before you slip into plus points.

Fortnite Ranked: Bonus Points & Exceptions
But that's not all! There are still some other important factors and bonuses that influence your points. We have listed all we know here:
Consistency Bonus
The bonus comes into play if you performed well in your previous ranked match. Let's say you gained 35 percent in Diamond 3. Based on that, you get a multiplier for the next round. If you were originally going to win again 35 percent, now you get around 40 percent through the multiplier instead. The exact percentages of the multipliers are not known, though.
Whether the bonus also occurs in a negative sense, we could not clearly determine. However, we noticed that if you die early in several rounds in a row, you often get more deduction than usual.
What this means in general: If you manage to score well in several rounds in a row, you will make noticeably more progress than if you go down in the early game in a match between. So try to take safe points in every round to get the bonus over and over again.
First Match Is Protected
Recently, this feature was still just a test, but now it has officially been announced again in the game. Your first round of the day is protected from negative points. You can recognize this by the banner on the bottom right in the lobby, which, however, is not always visible due to a bug. But! Once the first round is over, this protection goes away, even if you didn't need it.
Kill Points Cap
Actually, you won't get a lot of extra points at a certain number of kills! Whether you get 10 or 15 kills in a round will just slightly make a difference. So if you've reached about 10 kills, you can take it easy and focus on the placement points.
Bot Lobbies
If you're just starting with Fortnite Ranked or have to start from the bottom again in the new season, you start in Bronze and Silver lobbies against some bots as well! This was added so new players can stay engaged and gradually improve.
Assist Points
Maybe it's kinda weird to read, but assists give you points! Specifically, the amount of damage you inflicted on the eliminated player. The more damage you dealt, the more points you get of your own or a stolen kill. Speaking of damage...
Damage Ratio Bonus
Your damage per round works like a K/D. It's calculated based on your damage dealt minus the damage you have suffered. Storm damage, by the way, does not count! If you've dealt a lot of damage to several opponents, ending up with 1000 damage and only 200 points of suffered damage, you get a few more bonus percentages.
Mid-Game Objectives
Mid-Game objectives include capturing the rift islands and activating the storm forecast at the Radio Towers. Whether these still give a bonus in Ranked is unknown. The community is widely divided on this topic. However, it's never wrong to take these things along if they are on the way.
Let's summarize the most important points for you at the end:
- Late-Game kills are worth more than Early-Game kills
- The ranks of your opponents play an important role to kill-points
- Several good rounds in a row are the key
- Placement points exist and they are essential
Of course, the size of the team you play in is also crucial. A kill in Solos is much more valuable than a kill in Teams. Otherwise, the points factors are still the same.
Now that you know everything about the Fortnite Ranked system, we wish you good luck ranking up. See you in Unreal!