LEGO Fortnite update v29.40 is here! And it brings new features and more to the game. We have an overview for you below.

The latest update for LEGO Fortnite, version v29.40, brings a variety of exciting new features and improvements, making the gaming experience even more captivating! Here's a closer look at all the innovations in this update.
Lego Fortnite v29.40: Star Wars Rebel Adventure
Below, we have an overview of everything that's new in Lego Fortnite.
Lego Star Wars Event Pass
Lego Fortnite brings Star Wars into the game with the latest patch, offering not only cosmetic items but also a free and premium event pass, allowing you to unlock various items.
In the LEGO Pass: Adventure of the Rebels, you can progress by helping the rebels. This pass includes game rewards such as the "Tatooine Turret and Tanks Bundle" pack, the "Mos Eisley Blue Milk Bar Bundle" pack, and more!

This is how the Lego Pass: Adventure of the Rebels works:
- After starting Lego Fortnite via Fortnite, go to the LEGO Pass button in the navigation bar above.
- There you will see the Lego Pass and a button to view missions. These missions involve helping the rebels. Complete them to earn studs.
- The more studs you collect, the further you progress in the Lego Pass! Unlock game rewards on the free reward path. If you wish, you can also unlock game rewards through the purchasable premium reward path.
After starting Lego Fortnite, you will also receive Macrobinoculars, which will take you to the rebel village! Your help is needed to transform the makeshift accommodation on the "Star Wars Island" into a headquarters worthy of the rebellion.
The rebel village can be upgraded to level 10. To do this, you must complete objectives such as collecting resources and building rebel buildings.
You can, of course, also craft Macrobinoculars yourself. Unlock the recipe by adding Plastoid to your inventory.
Lego Star Wars Weapons & Items
And what would a Lego x Star Wars adventure be without lightsabers? These are new tools in Lego Fortnite. You unlock them by helping the rebel village to build. But the following other Star Wars weapons will also be available with the new update:

- Bowcaster: Launches a quarrel that deals damage, then explodes in the area. Unlock the recipe for the bowcaster by adding Durasteel to your inventory.
- DL-44: There's no substitute for a good blaster at your side. Unlock the recipe for the DL-44 by adding Durasteel to your inventory.
- E-11: Standard blaster for Imperial stormtroopers. Unlock the recipe for the E-11 by adding Scrap Durasteel to your inventory.
- Thermal Detonator: The preferred detonator of bounty hunters! This explosive throwing item covers a larger area than dynamite. Unlock the recipe for the thermal detonator by adding Durasteel to your inventory.
All these new weapons are crafted in the rebel workshop. Unlock the recipes by adding Plastoid to your inventory.
Improvements, Adjustments, and Bug Fixes
Naturally, Epic has also worked on creating an improved gaming experience for players. Here are some of the key improvements:
- With the release of V.29.40, you can view your LEGO Fortnite missions without having to return to the lobby!
- Exiting overturned driver seats is now easier.
- A bug has been fixed where players sometimes did not receive the expected gifts from villagers.
- A bug has been fixed where there was a rare game crash when getting out of bed.
Those were the major changes from the new update. Of course, there are still some other exciting things to discover on the island, but you'll have to find them out for yourself!
We wish you lots of fun!