Fortnites new quest "Deal damage to opponents with ranged weapons while airbourne" is confusing a lot of players who want to complete the air chakra to unlock Appa as a glider. We will show you what you have to do!

Fortnites new Air Chakra quest "Deal damage to opponents with ranged weapons while Airbourne" is a bit confusing to the Fortnite Community. But we can clarify, it's not as hard as it sounds!
Fortnite Quest: How To Deal Damage To Opponents With Ranged Weapons While Airbourne
Fortnite's new quest from the Air Chakra makes the community questioning two specific things:
- What does "airbourne" mean?
- What are "ranged weapons"?
First we go with "airbourne". This part of the quest simply means that your feet should not touch the ground, while you hit a shot. A simple jump should be enough to fulfill this part of the quest. Of course, it's also possible in combination with a low gravity fizz effect or a shockwave grenade and others.
Second, you will wonder what counts as a ranged weapon! It could be wrong this time, but as we have seen the same description on Ares' Medallion, this means every weapon you can find out there besides your own pickaxe! The phrasing "ranged weapon" is always used in a very confusing way, so Epic might have changed it this time.
Combining those two parts, you just simply have to jump (or fall) and hit a shot with any weapon to your opponents. The quest is solved, when you have dealt 200 damage. So after one or two fights, you should have completed that. We don't think Epic Games wants you to do a no-scope-360-jump-shot with a sniper rifle. But you can try of course!
That's all so far! Now you should easily solve the new Avatar Air Chakra quest "Deal damage to opponents with ranged weapons while Airbourne". Good luck on your grind to unlock Appa as a gilder, yip yip!