The Fortnite x Avatar event is here! After Korra's Mythic item "Waterbending" we now got all elements together in the Avatar: Elements event. Here we show you what all the new mythic Avatar items can do and where you can find them.

After we have had Avatar Korra, Fortnite is now bringing characters from the original Avatar series into the game, including Katara, Toph, Prince Zuko, and Avatar Aang. Along with these characters come the remaining Bending Scrolls. With these, you'll learn to master the elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air in Fortnite to defeat your opponents. We'll show you what the new mythic items from the Avatar series can do and where to find them.
Here's Where You Can Find The New Mythic Water-, Fire-, Earth-, & Airbending Items
There is no need to worry about how to find them to be honest! The Avatar items are not guarded by any boss and or just available once per round. Like Zeus' lightning, the scrolls will be found all over the map. You can find them in all chests, loot drops, and even on the floor. Also there are these new Bending Scroll Containers, which guarantees you one of the mythic scrolls!

Waterbending is all about attacking with (you guessed it) water. The Waterbending item has been in the game for a while now. Like all other mythic Avatar items, it is represented as a scroll. In the series, such scrolls were used to learn bending techniques.
With Waterbending, you deal 22 damage to the body and 27.5 to the head per hit. You shoot small ice projectiles from the water ring orbiting around you. With a fire rate of 1.8 shots per second, the attack is not very fast.
A "magazine" of this item holds 30 water energy. To reload quickly, you can jump into water. The item also heals your health while you swim faster than usual.
The leaker FNBRIntel had already leaked gameplay with the item on X, formerly Twitter, which remained unchanged.
Waterbending mythic gameplay! #Fortnite
— FNBRintel (@FNBRintel) March 26, 2024
Firebending is purely offensive and allows you to execute a combo of strikes that shoot fire forward. If you carry out the combo long enough, you will unleash awave of fire at your opponent.
Your second option is a fiery kick. By pressing the aim button, your character leaps into the air and stomps down with a fiery foot, dealing damage in a nearby radius.
According to Wenso, known for his Fortnite insights and leaks, the fire kick should deal an insane ammount of 80 damage and has a cooldown of 5 seconds. The single-combo-attacks do 40 damage each. The final hit also has a knockback to the enemy.
Firebending Mythic Info:- Jump Attack does 80 damage and has a 5 second cooldown- The projectiles do 40 damage, the final one (a kick) does knockback to the enemy player- Sprinting before using the jump attack will launch you further (3x further)#Fortnite
— Wenso (@Wensoing) April 9, 2024
The Earthbending item is more defensive. With your second ability, you can place arock wall in front of you that cannot be shot through.
Your first ability shoots a boulder forward after pulling it from the ground.
Airbending focuses entirely on mobility. With your first ability, which is called "air wheel", you control a circle of air around you that acts like a wheel, allowing you to move extremely fast and spin, but you cannot use other items or weapons during this.
Your second ability "air jump" is a dash that propels you into the air, after which you can switch to a weapon. This will definitely make you as agile as Aang!
Although the Fire, Earth, and Airbending aren't in the game yet, Epic Game published the official gameplay trailer of the new mythic Avatar items. You can watch it here:
The new mythic items from Avatar: Elements will replace the Greek mythology items "Chains of Hades", "Thunderbolt of Zeus" and "Wings of Icarus" until May 3. The substitute will take place in any mode besides the tournament playlist, which will stay untouched.
That's all for the new mythic Avatar items in Fortnite. It's possible that Epic Games may make some adjustments in the coming days. We'll keep you updated on the release of the weapons and any changes that might occur.