Nintendo officially confirmed that The Legend of Zelda will get a Live-Action movie with Miyamoto himself as the producer. He's joined by none other than the producer of infamously bad Morbius, Avi Arad.

Nintendo casually dropped, on an ordinary Tuesday, that The Legend of Zelda will get a live-action movie adaption like it's no big deal. For decades, it has been speculated that the beloved franchise will someday get a movie, with some fans anticipating it while others dreaded it. It's officially happening now.
With videogame adaptations being the newest trend in Hollywood (and working out quite well in some cases), Nintendo got Sony Entertainment Pictures on board to develop the movie. Still, the anticipation remains rather low as nearly the whole team behind the upcoming movie doesn't have the best track record.
Morbius Producer Avi Arad Works On Zelda Movie
Not only is live-action the last thing fans expected a Zelda movie to be, the team gathered by Nintendo to bring Hyrule to life has quite the bad reputation. For one, there's Avi Arad, "who has produced many mega hit films" (according to Nintendo and I'll admit, he did well with Spider-Man). Still, the disaster that was Morbius will probably forever haunt him and the Uncharted movie wasn't exactly the pinnacle of theatre, either.
Wes Ball has been announced as the director, also leading to defeated sighs in some corners of the Internet. As the director of the Maze Runner movies, he also didn't leave the best impression for some.
Also, important for a good movie is the writing, of course. That's reportedly done by Derek Connolly who has been responsible for Jurassic World and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, which also doesn't exactly spark hope.
But, to end on a less depressing note, Shigeru Miyamoto is going to be involved in the movie as well, not giving it out of his loving hands completely. And if there's anyone who adores the Zelda franchise more than me, it's Miyamoto, so here's hoping he's going to do right by everything and everyone in Hyrule.