MultiVersus is the hottest new game, and as with any free-to-play title, there's a battle pass to be unlocked. But it's just been revealed that you don't necessarily need to unlock it all yourself; friends will be able to help complete the pass with you! Awesome.

MultiVersus is the latest game that everyone seems to be playing right now. And why not, it's free. But as with any free-to-play game, there are hundreds of cosmetics that the devs want you to buy to recuperate the costs of development. It's a big old battle pass, and it won't be quick to complete. But what if you could work on the battle pass with a friend?
A dataminer has been into the MultiVersus game files and has discovered a feature that everyone will love...
MultiVersus Battle Pass "Sharing" Revealed
We have to thank our good friend the dataminer AisulMV for leaking this first, a new feature has been discovered in the MultiVersus game files which would allow players to work together on completing the battle pass. That sounds perfect, right? Especially for a game that's all about teamwork and duos. It would also mean that even players who aren't using the best MultiVersus characters would still be able to complete the pass each season.
Of course, there are some limitations. One of the two players needs to buy the Premium battle pass to begin using the shared progress feature, and both parties would need to buy it if they wanted the rewards from the Premium pass. If only one person has the Premium pass, then they can share progress with their friend, but their friend would only get the free rewards. Also, you can only have one "Battle Pass Buddy" per season.
Here's a picture of the feature, courtesy of AisulMV:
— AisulMV (@AisulMV) August 5, 2022
It's a great idea, and we really want to see it extended to other games (while we're at it, we'd also like to seemore nonsense like this in other games).
If you haven't already, please go and check out LeBron, he's already becoming a meme...
When Will This Feature Be Added To The Game?
Warner Bros haven't announced the feature or commented on the leak, but if it's in the game files, then we expect it to arrive in Season 1. And if it's not in Season 1, then we expect it to come shortly thereafter (along with some of the 20+ recently leaked characters).
What do you think about battle pass sharing, will you partner up with a friend? Or are you still too busy dominating solos with the most broken character?