The 2023 LoL Worlds Opening Ceremony featured HEARTSTEEL and NewJeans, but some more guests appeared.

One of the things most fans look forward to ahead of the Worlds Finals is the opening ceremony. This year, NewJeans and the new League of Legends boy group HEARTSTEEL took the stage, but a few others also showed up.
The opening ceremony hypes up fans in the stadium and at home, so it's exciting to see some of the most iconic League of Legends Worlds songs be perfrormed.
LoL Worlds 2023: Opening Ceremony Featured Iconic Artists
The opening ceremony featured NewJeans with their World Championship anthem 'GODS', as well as HEARTSTEEL who performed their debut single Paranoia. Of course, it isn't an opening ceremony without some surprises though.
The iconic 'Legends Never Die' was also featured hyping up the crowd for the show, and then The Glitch Mob made an appearance as well to perform their hit song 'Rise' from the 2018 League of Legends World Championship.

Throughout the last few years, we've also had other special features, like Elder drake or Azir. This year, none other than Mordekaiser tried to interrupt the World Championship finals, but thankfully Leona was there to save the day.
These small champion cameos are always fun and interesting to seehow Riot incorporates them into the opening ceremony. This time around, Mordekaiser was seamlessly added during NewJeans 'GODS' performance.
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