With the newest champion in League of Legends, Smolder, gearing up for its grand entrance on Summoner's Rift in Patch 14.2, it's about time we spill the tea on everything you gotta know about this adorable little dragon. And yeah, that includes a rundown of his abilities and all the cool stuff he can do!

Since January 8, you've got the chance to take this cutie patootie for a spin on the PBE. With his big debut on the test servers, we've snagged a sneak peek at what he's packing in terms of abilities. We'll break down all the deets you need to know, so keep your eyes peeled!
Smolder's Abilities
Passive – Dragon Practice: Hitting an enemy champion with Abilities and killing enemies with Super Scorcher Breath (Q) grants Smolder a stack of Dragon Practice. The more stacks Smolder collects throughout the game, the stronger his basic Abilities get.
Q – Super Scorcher Breath: Smolder burps, yes burps, and throws a flame at his opponents.
Depending on your stacks on your Passive, this ability evolves, gaining the following bonus effects:
- 25 or more: Grants an AoE effect and damages all enemies surrounding the hit target
- 125 or more: Sends 3 small explosions beyond the target, which deal 75 percent of this Ability's damage
- 225 or more: Receives a burn effect and deals max Health true damage over 3 seconds on the target. Opponents that drop below a certain amount of health while burning are getting executed.
This ability is going to be Smolder's main damage tool. Level up his Q first and then max it out as fast as possible, since it's also getting stronger the more Passive stacks you gather. It will probably also be a great Ability for his laning phase with the possibility to farm from a safe distance in case he faces aggressive lane opponents.
W – Achooo!: As the ability's name already suggests, Smolder sneezes and creates a flame, damaging and slowing all enemies hit. When hitting a champ, an additional explosion will appear, similar to his Q with 25 stacks.
This is a utility spell that can help Smolder out to slow enemies which are either trying to catch him or he is trying to catch.
E – Flap, Flap, Flap: (Let's not talk about what I read first) His E might be his coolest ability. By pressing E, Smolder takes flight, gaining lots of Movement Speed and ignoring terrain for 1.25 seconds. While Smolder is flying, he focuses the enemies with the lowest health.
His E-Ability is going to be his bread and butter. As a fragile ADC, an ability that literally ignores terrain like Zeri's E is really worth its weight in gold. He can appear off guard and catch up enemies, easily escape from them or create surprising moments in a team fight.
R – MMOOOMMMM!: By using his R, Smolder starts crying for his Mom (like the little baby he is). His mommy then breathes fire from above, creating a huge wave, dealing extra damage and slowing enemies in the center of her fire. She also heals her crybaby if he is standing in her flames.
His Ultimate Ability sounds like an extremely strong ability and an easy way to gain the upper hand in a battle. But we won't know what it really looks like until the champion is going to be live.
LoL: When Is Smolder's Release
As already mentioned, Smolder is going to make his debut in League of Legends with one week after the release of Patch 14.2 on January 31 (20:00 UTC). Until then, make sure to check out YouTube, in case you want to look up first Smolder Builds, Smolder Runes or Smolder Skins or even a more detailed analysis of Smolder's Abilities with all his stats and scalings.