In LoL Season 14, Riot has added some new support items to the game and players are worried that there is going to be too much sustain in the future.

LoL Season 14 is underway and the community is already finding ways to be as obnoxious and annoying as possible by re-introducing old metas that Riot had nerfed to the ground in previous seasons. Now, with a shift in items, it seems some strategies could be making a comeback.
One of those strategies is the double support strat with multiple support items on one team, which has players pulling at their hair. Is this another Janna top meta?
LoL: New Support Meta Brings Back Old Memories

With the item overhaul in LoL Season 14, Riot has introduced a brand-new support item – World Atlas. This item will upgrade to the normal support ward item through a quest and by finishing the second-part of the quest you get a free item. These free items are pretty good, meaning not just support players want to get their hands on those.
This means that there are more and more people building double support items on teams, a well as a rise in double enchanter bot lanes as well.
While the fear of Janna top lane domination making a comeback is slim, with how strong some of the support item upgrades are, there are chances you'll see it in solo queue once more. Especially since Janna won't be one to lane anyways, meaning she wouldn't suffer too much from not getting as much gold.
One strat that actually works is gaining a lot of traction, and that's the double support bot lane. If you've got two enchanters in the bot lane, they become almost unkillable thanks to the immense amount of sustain they will have. Tyler1 went on a huge rant about it on his stream recently where he explained that "he was over it already" and we're only one week into Season 14.
This strat, if played out perfectly, would also ensure that the APC would have around 250 more gold by the 14-minute mark of the game compared to a regular build where they farm every single minion coming into lane.
Riot is likely going to be doing something about this in either LoL Patch 14.2 or Patch 14.3 if this strategy continues to grow in popularity.