Which champion is getting a skin?

Riot have just revealed who the skin for those of you who were good boys and girls throughout season 13 will be. Each year, those players that reach the Honor Level 5, receive a unique and rare skin.
In 2022, when this new concept was first introduced, it went to none other than Malzahar, but this year the champion pick is a little more exciting.
LoL: Akshan To Receive Honor Level 5 Skin
Honour skin for Akshan, Victorious for Tryndamere pic.twitter.com/SEWY4rmeiw
— SkinSpotlights (@SkinSpotlights) December 11, 2023
The second champion to receive a Three Honors skin is going to be none other than Akshan. The champion sure is lacking in the skins department, even though he would fit perfectly into multiple AUs.
Him getting a Three Honors skin fits perfectly, not only because he is a fun to play champion, but due to his lore and him looking to 'take down those rascals' which just gives the vibes of, Akshan is here not to flame in-game.
So, he is going to be the second champion to receive a Three Honors skin and it actually looks pretty damn cool as well. The color scheme and theme work well with the character.
Three Honors Akshan Release Date
The skin is going to be coming in LoL Season 14. It should be released with LoL Patch 14.2 according to Riot, which should come out on Janaury 24, 2024 if Riot keeps the same patch schedule as with previous years.
LoL Patch 14.1 is going to be released on January 10, so two weeks later is January 24, when the second patch of Season 14 is estimated to go live. Then, players who managed to reach Honor Level 5 will be rewarded with their Akshan skin in their inventory.