This year, Riot released a new Ultimate skin, but most players weren't too happy with it. Now, Riot is making some hints that it might have been the last Ultimate skin.

On December 11, 2023 Riot released their final Dev Vlog on YouTube, where they outlined some new skins, stating that the Split 2 ranked skin will come later than expected, as well as revealed the Honor 5 skin for 2023.
On Reddit, the vlog had people talking, and some were especially curious about the ultimate Samira skin which had caused a lot of controversy over the summer. Most of the community felt that Riot has been pretty silent about the skin, wanting to know how much it earned.
LoL: Will Riot Stop Ultimate Skins?

Soul Fighter Samira was not the success most had hoped she would be. Players thought that she was a great skin, that it was beautiful, but comparing it to other Ultimate Skins she did not stand out.
She was also the charity skin for League of Leegnds this year, and players have wondered just how she did in terms of sales and how popular she was. Well, in comes Riot Pupulasers to give some clarity on the skin.
Riot Pupulasers on Soul Fighter Samira
— Spideraxe (@Spideraxe30) December 11, 2023
On Reddit, he explained that the team feels she is a great skin and worthy of the Ultimate skin title. He also added on that the skin has "compared favorably with previous Ultimate releases in terms of popularity".
Riot is able to not only track purchase rate, but also play rate of skins, which is where they get the popularity data from to make these kinds of claims, but we do not have any concrete numbers from them yet.

In the same Reddit response, Pupulasers also stated that not everyone has the same definition of what an Ultimate skin is supposed to be.
It's definitely a skin tier that has been infrequently released into, hugely varied between offerings, and tbh introduced significant performance issues/concerns into the game. So we understand the confusion and discontent here.
So, Riot is going to go back and evaluate Ultimate skins, which could also mean the end of the skin tier as we know it.