A remaster package for the first three Tomb Raider games will be released in February. Thanks to a recent blog post, we finally got some more details about the games — plus, we are relieved to see that developer Aspyr also takes care of one of the original's biggest pain points.

Folks, it’s happening: Tomb Raider is coming back, and not only as a new game, but also the way we all learned to love it. The first three Tomb Raider games are getting remasters, with all three games coming in one package. And though these remasters won't win any prizes for best graphics, they still look pretty okay. Here's everything you need to know.
Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Will Deliver An Alternative To Classic Controls

The Tomb Raider Remaster collection was first revealed in September 2023 during a Nintendo Direct. Though these games are from the 90s, the trailer showed off some good-looking new graphics, comparable toTomb Raider Anniversary, which give the old games a nice new coat of polish.
For a long time, it was not clear whether the remaster will feature new controls or other quality-of-life features, or if the improved graphics are all we're getting. But that has changed now. In a PlayStation blog post, some secrets have finally been lifted:
- Bosses will have health bars
- In-game assets have 3D-models now (see the image above)
- >200 Trophies/Achievements to earn, including the iconic challenge to lock the Butler in the freezer
- A Photo Mode, including the possibility to swap between the old and the new graphics
- New models, environments and enemies
- Modern control options
For us, the last point actually nailed it, and everyone who played Tomb Raider 1-3 will know why. Controlling Lara in these games often felt like controlling a tank, and even Aspyr calls them "tank-style controls" in the blog post.
In case you wonder why the OG games have had that complicated controls in the first place: Tomb Raider's 3D grid level design was pretty innovative back then in the 90s, and as a result, creating user-friendly controls was quite a challenge.
It's great to see that Aspyr will offer you modern controls, while also giving you the possibility to use the original controls. If you aren't super nostalgic, we'd bet that we know which option you're going to choose.
Tomb Raider I-III Remastered is coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox and Steam on February 14, 2024 and can now be pre-ordered for $26.99 - after its release, it will cost $29.99.