The Barbarian Armor Set in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a must-have! Here's how you find it.

While exploring Hyrule, the Depths and the skies above, you'll encounter countless enemies to fight. And even the small (and weirdly cute) Bokoblins can be a real threat, if they attack in groups and outnumber you. Luckily, the armor sets you can find or purchase offer a variety of bonuses to help you either by strengthen your abilities like climbing, or giving you resistance against shock for example.
How To Get The Barbarian Armor In TotK
The Barbarian Armor Set itself increases your damage and therefore comes in very useful in defeating your enemies, especially, if you upgrade it with the help of the great fairies. The first part of the Barbarian Armor Set can be found pretty early on in the game, as a part of the Misko's Treasure quest. In case you haven't done this one yet, don't worry, we'll go through every armor piece.
Where to find the Barbarian chest piece
To find out about this location (and the other pieces from Misko's Treasure) you can talk to Meeshy, and she'll mark the location on your map, along with the two others. To get the Barbarian Armor, starting from Lookout Landing, go across the Hylia River and enter the Crenel Hills Cave.
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Once inside the cave, watch out for the Stone Talus! You can avoid fighting it if you prefer, or we can help you defeat it. You can use a Bomb Flower to remove the Luminous Stone blocking the path and find the Barbarian Armor at the end. The chest piece will offer you +3 defense and as we said will increase your attack power.
Where to find the barbarian leg wraps
The Barbarian Leg Wraps can be found near Hateno Village. There are various ways that lead to Hateno, you could use your paraglider starting from Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower and heading south or follow the road from Kakariko Village to the southeast. If you chose to ignore the political mess that's going on with the mayoral election in Hateno just head to the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab and glide down on the east side, to the small, idyllic lake.
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The cave you're looking for is the Walnot Mountain Cave. The entrance is indicated by a cute little Bluepee just chilling outside, and not knowing you'll probably smack it for rupees.
The cave itself is loaded with not so cute creatures. On the ceiling there are a bunch of Horroblins and if you're not strong enough some will be able to kill you with one single blow of their weapons. So maybe you'd like to prepare yourself or just rush through.

You should follow the upper right path, to get to the Barbarian Armor Piece of your desire. As you follow this path, you maybe recognize (if you're not too busy avoiding attacks) that the temperature is decreasing. And on the left of the walls you will soon spot the reason for this occurrence – an Ice Like. Be careful, it will shoot you with freezing clouds. You can either defeat it or just ignore it and jump from the edge into a hole in the wall next to the Ice Like.

You'll find a little shrine like always if you're about to loot one of Misko's treasures, but there's a little problem – the chest is frozen. So use a Zonai device, Fire Fruits or make a campfire next to the ice cube to get the Barbarian Leg Wraps. Again, you'll get a +3 defense and an attack up!
Where to find the barbarian helm
This one is a little bit trickier, but not because of dangerous enemies – we'll get to that. The last part of the Barbarian Armor Set can be found near Kakariko Village. Head to the Southeast to the Phalian Highlands.

It's probably best to approach it from a higher ground, just keep your eyes open for the glow of the Bluepee. Inside the Robred Dropoff Cave, you'll be greeted by a stone plate with an inscription: "Treasure sleeps beyond the path shown by the stone statues." What seems kinda strange at first, soon makes total sense. In the next room, you'll find a group of three statues looking at one of the two paths. Obviously, you should follow them.
- Ya ha ha ! Look who you found!
The next chamber is a little bit confusing, since there's a circle of the statues. If you take a closer look, you'll recognize that, again, a group of three statues face in one direction – to a stone wall. You could use a bomb flower or just smash the rocks, either way, as soon as you can get through stay alert: the chamber you'll have to enter in order to get to the barbarian helm is full of Bokoblins.
Once you got rid of them (I recommend using the explosive barrel next to them) you'll notice statues looking at a passage, blocked with a grid. To get around this obstacle, use a bomb flower to open a hole in the middle of this chamber, where the rocks are blocking the way.

Once the rocks are removed, just jump into the hole (what could possibly go wrong?) and get out of the small pond. There's only one way you can follow until you reach a room with three sets of statues. On the left are five, one alone in the middle, and on the right there is a group of three. Once again, it's the group of three that lead the way, so use ascend as soon as you're on their platform.
By doing so, you'll end up right in front of the chest!

With the Barbarian Helm, again giving +3 defense and an attack boost, you're now prepared to face your enemies and destroy them! Good luck on your journey through Hyrule.
Is the Barbarian Armor Set is enough to face a Gleeok?