There are a lot of cheats for Sims 4 to make your (ingame) life easier. Tired of actually sending your Sims to work to earn money or letting them play video games for hours on end to make them happy? No problem, we got you!

The Sims 4 is a popular life simulation game that allows you to control your Sims in a virtual world. Do you want to build your dream house but do not want to let your Sims work for ages? Do you want your Sims' stats and needs to be full and their skills to be high without actually working on them? There is a solution: use cheats!
Cheats allow you to unlock additional features and abilities, or manipulate the game in various ways. In this article, we will show you the different cheats available in The Sims 4 for PC, PS4, PS5 and Xbox.
Originally designed as a debugging tool for developers, video game cheats give you and your characters extraordinary abilities, such as never-ending lives, infinite ammo, or a really big head. These features, not originally intended for the gaming public, often made their way into the released version by accident or for added enjoyment.As players discovered and spread the word about these hidden gems, cheats quickly became a cherished part of video game culture. Over time, the deliberate integration of cheats into games became a common practice, serving to enhance both the replayability and accessibility of games, thereby securing their role in game development.
How to Use Cheats in The Sims 4
Before you can use cheats in The Sims 4, you must activate the cheat console. To do this, press CTRL+SHIFT+C on your keyboard.
To open the cheat window on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, press all shoulder buttons simultaneously. On PlayStation 4/PlayStation 5 press R1 + R2 + L1 + L2, on Xbox press LB + LT + RB + RT. That will open the cheat console.
Next, type "testingcheats true" into the cheat console and press ENTER to enable all cheats in the game.
All The Sims 4 Cheats
All the cheats listed below will work on any platform. Just type them into the cheat console, do not type in the brackets [] and replace x with a and watch the magic happen.
Go straight to the cheats you need:
- Money Cheats
- Buy- and Buildmode Cheats
- Livemode Cheats
- Adult Skill Cheats
- Children Skill Cheats
- Toddler Skill Cheats
- Relationship Cheats
Money Cheats
- rosebud/kaching: Gives you 1,000 simoleons
- motherlode: Gives you 50,000 simoleons
- money [x]: Sets your household account to x simoleons
- FreeRealEstate [on/off]: At On, all residential properties can be purchased for free
- sims.modify_funds +/-[amount]: The amount will be added to or subtracted from the household account
Buy- and Buildmode Cheats
- bb.moveobjects: Allows you to move and place objects anywhere, even if they don't fit in the grid
- bb.showhiddenobjects: Unlocks all hidden objects in the game
- bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: Unlocks all objects that are locked behind gameplay achievements
- bb.showliveeditobjects: Unlocks decorative items from non-editable areas of the game world
- bb.enablefreebuild: Enables buy- and build mode on hidden land
- object.setashead: After using this cheat, hold down the Shift key and select "Set as Head" – The active sim will then wear this object on his head (wohoo!)
Livemode Cheats
- cas.fulleditmode: Allows you to change everything about an existing Sim when using the Shift+Click "edit in CAS" (looks, outfits, aspirations, traits)
- sims.give_satisfaction_points [x]: Gives a Sim x satisfaction points
- sims.fill_all_commodities: Fills the motives for all Sims in the household
- fillmotive motive_[motive]: Fills the specified motive: Bladder, Energy, Fun, Hunger, Hygiene, Social
- aspirations.complete_current_milestone: Completes a Sim's current aspiration goal and awards the matching points
- resetsim [firstname lastname]: Resets a stuck Sim
- seasons.set_season [x]: Sets season to summer (0), fall (1), winter (2), spring (3) with the Seasons Pack
- seasons.advance_season: Skips to the next season with the Seasons Pack
- traits.equip_trait trait_occultwerewolf/traits.remove_trait trait_occultwerewolf: Add or remove Werewolf trait with the Werewolves Pack
- famepoints [x]: Adds fame points with the Get Famous Pack
- eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state [x]: Sets Eco footprint to Green (0), Neutral (1) or Industrial (2) with the Eco Lifestyle Pack
Adult Skill Cheats
- stats.set_skill_level [skill] [1-10]: Sets the skill level of the active Sim to the specified level (1–10)
Use the following names for each skill. Simply replace [skill] from the cheat above with the appropriate name. For example, stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 5 will cause the active Sim to gain the Charisma skill at level 5.
Base Game:
- Major_Bartending: Bartending
- Major_Fishing: Fishing
- Major_Charisma: Charisma
- Major_Comedy: Comedy
- Skill_Fitness: Fitness
- Major_Gardening: Gardening
- Major_GourmetCooking: Gourmet Cooking
- Major_Guitar: Guitar
- Major_Handiness: Handiness
- Major_HomestyleCooking: Cooking
- Major_Logic: Logic
- Major_Mischief: Mischief
- Major_Painting: Painting
- Major_Piano: Piano
- Major_Programming: Programming
- Major_RocketScience: Rocket Science
- Major_Singing: Singing
- Major_VideoGaming: Video Gaming
- Major_Violin: Violin
- Major_Writing: Writing
Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack:
- AdultMinor_JuiceFizzing: Juice Fizzing (Up to Level 5)
- AdultMajor_Fabrication: Fabrication
Jungle Adventure Game Pack:
- Major_Archaeology: Archaeology
- Minor_LocalCulture: Local Culture
Get To Work Expansion Pack:
- Major_Baking: Baking
- Major_Photography: Photography
Seasons Expansion Pack:
- AdultMajor_FlowerArranging: Flower Arranging
Bowling Night Stuff:
- Skill_Bowling: Bowling
Get Together Expansion Pack:
- Major_DJ: DJing
- Minor_Dancing: Dancing (Up to Level 5)
Parenthood Game Pack:
- Major_Parenting: Parenting
Discover University Expansion Pack:
- Major_Research: Research and Debate
- Major_Robotic: Robotic
Snowy Escape Expansion Pack:
- Major_Rockclimbing: Rock climbing
- Major_Skiing: Skiing
- Major_Snowboarding: Snowboarding
Outdoor Retreat Game Pack:
- Major_Herbalism: Herbalism
Cottage Living Expansion Pack:
- Skill_CrossStitch: Cross Stitching
Get Famous Expansion Pack:
- Minor_Mediaproduction: Media Production (Up to Level 5)
- Major_Acting: Acting
Horse Ranch Expansion Pack:
- AdultMinor_RanchNectar: Nectar Making (Up to Level 5)
- AdultMajor_EquestrianSkill: Riding
Vampires Gameplay Pack:
- Major_PipeOrgan: Organ
Cats & Dogs Expansion Pack
- Major_Vet: Veterinarian
- Skill_Dog: Pet Training
Spa Day Game Pack:
- Major_Wellness: Wellness
Children Skill Cheats
- Skill_Child_Creativity: Creativity
- Skill_Child_Mental: Mental Skill
- Skill_Child_Motor: Motoric Skill
- Skill_Child_Social: Social Skill
Toddler Skill Cheats (Up To Level 5)
- Toddler_Potty: Go Potty
- Toddler_Thinking: Thinking
- Toddler_Imagination: Imagination
- Toddler_Communication: Communication
- Toddler_Movement: Motoric Skill
Relationship Cheats
- relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others: Introduces your Sim to all neighbors
- relationships.create_friends_for_sim: Spawns a new friend for your Sim
- modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] [x] LTR_Friendship_Main: Sets friendship between two Sims from -100 to +100
- modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] [x] LTR_Romance_Main: Sets romance between two Sims from -100 to +100
Now you have everything you need to make your life in The Sims 4 easier. Have fun trying different cheats and play the game the way you like!