Valve announced that they had to push the release of the Steam Deck back by two months and into 2022.

It's a sad day y'all, and I'm only the bringer of news, so don't curse me out for this. First, the PlayStation 5 ran into production issues and is about to act all shy, like she don't wanna be around for Christmas (no, seriously: no PS5 for Christmas). Now, the Steam Deck is playing hard to get, delaying its cute behind into 2022. Well, actually, Valve delayed the Steam Deck into 2022. To be more specific, they delayed it by 2 months from December 2021 into February 2022. Sucks, but you know what that means: Lonely boys about get their Steam on for Valentine's Day anyway.
Steam Deck Delayed Into February 2022
Of course, you don't have to take my word for it, you can just read the super-long, boring-a** quote from Valve about 'quality assurance, sorry, supply issues, bla-bla-bla':
The launch of Steam Deck will be delayed by two months. We’re sorry about this—we did our best to work around the global supply chain issues, but due to material shortages, components aren’t reaching our manufacturing facilities in time for us to meet our initial launch dates.Based on our updated build estimates, Steam Deck will start shipping to customers February 2022. This will be the new start date of the reservation queue—all reservation holders keep their place in line but dates will shift back accordingly. Reservation date estimates will be updated shortly after this announcement.Again, we’re sorry we won’t be able to make our original ship date. We’ll continue working to improve reservation dates based on the new timeline, and will keep folks updated as we go.
Sad times, because I actually want a Steam Deck, because I love portable gaming, and I sure could use some steam in my bed (Editor: he shitting you, his girlfriend hot AF).
Too much?
Sorry, not sorry. Which should've been Valve's official statement.