Nexus Mods host a variety of different Mods for tons of games. Starfield is one of those. The “Pronoun-Drama” went so far in fact, that there were user-created mods removing pronoun-selection from the game. Those mods just got banned on Nexus Mods.

Starfield has been a great game. And rightly so since it's been in development since 2015.
In the game's character creation menu, you can select between the pronoun options “he/him”, “she/her” or “they/them”. Of course, with the game's release, angry voices quickly followed, calling Bethesda “woke” and declaring their plan to not play the game until the feature was removed. One of those people is the famous streamer Dr. Disrespect.
\But since Bethesda games are easy to mod, the first modders were able to make this change themselves, and introduced a mod that would remove pronoun selection. No really, I am not joking. There were mods removing pronouns. Yes, the words, like he or she or they or I or you.
Nexus Mods Bans Pronoun-Remove Mod In Starfield
There are some fantastic mods out there for Starfield, most of them can be found on Nexus Mods, one of the biggest sites for community-made mods for a ton of different games. Some of these mods improve the visuals, make your game run faster, or add a cool feature.
And there were mods removing pronouns (As you can see, I'm still not over it, sorry). The Starfield community found themselves in a bit of a cultural war, where you would either be pro-pronous and be called “left and woke”. Or you are against the pronouns (or as I like to call them no-nouns, ok enough bad puns). So there was a mod made by a player, that removed pronouns in the character creation menu. This mod went viral fast but got banned by Nexus Mods even faster.
In an interview with 404media, Nexus Mods had some words to say about the removal of the pronoun-removal mod:
It's not a ‘political statement’ or an ‘alignment to one side or the other in the culture war.’ We stand for diversity and inclusion in our community and the removal of diversity, while appealing to many, does not promote a positive modding community.
In the past, Nexus Mods have removed similar mods from their platform. For example, a mod that removed a Pride flag in Spider-Man: Remastered was banned on their site. And Nexus Mods have every right to remove mods they don't label useful or even label harming. It is their website, they can decide what is hosted there and what isn't.
So now, not only Starfield but also Nexus Mods are part of the “woke lefties that use censorship to indoctrinate us with their agenda”, for including the options to select your pronouns when creating a character. Some people have consequently announced that they will not use the Nexus Mods anymore. “Frankly, we are not sad to see them go”, Nexus Mods told 404media.
Just to make this one very clear: pronouns aren't something political, and having them isn't “woke”. They are an integral part of our language, and most people identify with a certain (or multiple) pronouns. So just get over the fact that games let you select your pronouns.