Sometimes you just want to change your character's appearance in the middle of your playthrough. Luckily, Starfield allows us to do just that! Find out how, here.

If you're like me, then you're probably going to spend hours in Starfield's character creation screen, changing and tweaking every last detail about your character's appearance until it's perfect.
But sometimes you just aren't sure if you should pick this hairstyle, or rather that one, and once you start the game you quickly realize you should have gone for the other one. Or maybe the color you choose looks weird in different lighting.
Don't worry about having to pick the perfect look for your character at the beginning of the game, though. Thankfully, Starfield allows you to change your character appearance in game, and you don't even have to play for long to unlock the ability to change your appearance.
Starfield: How To Change Your Character's Appearance
Changing your character's appearance in Starfield is really easy, but it will cost you a bit of cash.
In order to change your looks, you'll want to go to a place called "Enhance", a nice little genetics lab that'll help you with your cosmetic problems.
While there are multiple locations you can find "Enhance", the first one you can go to is located in New Atlantis.
You can find the Enhance clinic in the Commercial District of New Atlantis, pretty close to the fast travel point. If you don't like fast traveling, you can also use the New Atlantis Travel System, since they have the same destination point in the Commercial District.
The shop in New Atlantis can be a bit tricky to spot, since it doesn't actually have its own sign.

From the fast travel point, go straight ahead and go past the building with the big Valberg sign and Terrabrew Coffee shop to the right of it. Continue this way until you see a huge "OUTLAND" sign. The Enhance clinic is right next to OUTLAND.
Upon entering, you'll be able to change your appearance for a 500 credits fee.
If you're still at the beginning of your game, then this might be a bit pricey, but don't worry, you'll always have the possibility to change things up a bit.
Of course, you won't have to travel all the way back to New Atlantis every time you want to change your appearance a bit. There are multiple Enhance locations, all throughout the galaxy. Here are some other locations that we know of:
- Neon
- Paradiso
- Cydonia
Keep an eye out for Enhance clinics in the Commercial Districts of big cities. While some can be rather tricky to spot with small signs above their storefront, others have huge glowing neon signs, so be prepared to look for a little bit.
What You Can Change About Your Appearance

This is one of the coolest things Starfield offers, in my opinion: you can change everything about your character's looks at Enhance clinics. How cool is that?
By paying the 500 credits fee, you'll open up the same character creator from the start of the game. Which means you can not only change your skin tone or hairstyle, but also your face shape and gender expression.
Starfield even allows you to change your character's name and pronouns!
Depending on which Enhance location you're at, you might get a different selection offered to you. While one may offer you more hairstyles to pick from, another may offer you exclusive cosmetic choices, like face tattoos.
It's definitely worth checking each Enhance location out, whenever you happen to stumble across one!