Having a home in Starfield offers plenty of benefits. Therefore, you should invest some of your money in a property. Here is how you buy a house.

In Starfield, like many other Bethesda games, you can get a place to live. Properties range from dank one-beds, like the one you get when you first join Constellation, to swanky up-market apartments. But no matter the quality, we have to admit it's nice having somewhere grounded to rest after all the space adventures. Plus, it gives you more room for all the stuff you collect.
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How To Buy A House In Starfield
You can find homes in main cities like New Atlantis on Jemison, Cydonia on Mars, Akila City on Akila, and Neon on Volii Alpha. And as you play the game, you'll unlock more homes by finishing certain quests.
Getting a Place in New Atlantis
When you start Starfield, you'll soon be on Jemison, in the city of New Atlantis. It's a big city and Constellation's HQ. So, having a home here is smart. To buy one, you need to be a United Colonies citizen. It's not hard. Just do UC missions, like joining the Vanguard. To join, talk to Commander John Tuala at the MAST Building. Or, wait until you do the main Constellation quest with Sarah Morgan because you'll meet the commander then.
Once you're a Vanguard member, do their missions. You'll become a UC Citizen and can then buy a home. When that happens, go to Aphelion Realty in New Atlantis, across from the MAST building.
The Dream Home: A Quick Way to Get a Property
If all the quests sound like too much, there's a faster way. When you make your character, pick the Dream Home trait. It gives you a luxury villa on Nesoi in the Olympus system right away.
But it's not free. You start the game owing 125,000 credits, and you pay 500 credits every week. There's no such thing as a free lunch.
So, if you're okay with starting in debt, go for the Dream Home trait when you make your character. Your comfy space home is waiting among the stars!