In Starfield, your crew will not only give you skill buffs and assist you in combat, but also drastically increase your outposts' efficiency. Here is how to assign crew members to an outpost.

In Starfield, assigning crew members to outposts is a vital step in the game to increase efficiency. While it might seem a bit challenging at first, it really is quite easy, and we're here to help you.
Crewmates are essential members of your team that you can recruit as you complete missions and explore the galaxy. These NPCs offer valuable skills that can be assigned to various roles, such as outpost managers or spacefarers aboard your starships. They play a crucial role in the efficiency of your ships and will give you important skill buffs and assistance in combat situations.
Starfield: Assigning Crewmates To An Outpost Explained
You will assign your crew to specific outposts, by accessing the crew menu. To get there, follow these steps:
- Go to the main data menu
- Navigate to the ship menu
- Click on the "Crew" button in the bottom left corner
Now, you'll find an overview of all the crew members you've already unlocked. Here, you can access the skills of each crew member and check their current assigned positions.
Once an outpost is constructed, the crew doesn't immediately start working; you must first assign them to their respective roles. To do so, simply choose the desired crew member and press "X" or use the cursor on PC to designate them to one of your outposts.
[Important note!] If this option is not available to you, that is because you haven't built the crew station yet. In order to assign crew members to your outpost, you must first build and place a crew station in your outpost. Here is how to do it:
How To Build A Crew Station
The Crew Station allows you to assign crew members to your outpost. To build it, you will need the following materials:
- 3x Nickel
- 5x Aluminum
- 2x Iron
After you've established the outpost and built a crew station, the option to assign crew members to your outpost will become available to you.
When assigning crew members to specific locations, you should always select individuals whose skills align with the outpost's requirements, rather than making random assignments.