Sillent Hill Ascension, the newest entry in the legendary horror series is set to release just in time for Halloween of this year. You can now pre-register for it.

After over a decade of no new Silent Hill releases, Konami have now announced that the beloved horror franchise will finally be returning on October 31, 2023 with Silent Hill Ascension, a... mobile-only episodic Choose-Your-Own-Adventure serial?
The game was already announced in late 2022 alongside a number of other Silent Hill projects, but few details were given about it other than that its story would somehow involve streaming.
Silent Hill Ascension Pre-Registration Revealed

Now, the game is up for pre-registration for mobile platforms, with a new trailer and a new description that calls it an "Interactive Streaming Series". Apparently, new episodes will be released regularly, and players can vote on what will happen in the next one within a certain time frame between each episode.
None of this sounds like the Silent Hill that long-time fans are familiar with. And after Konami's recent treatment of the franchise (cancelling the much-anticipated Silent Hills, for one) no one could blame them for being less than excited about a mobile title that doesn't seem to have much in common with previous games in the series. That being said, the game concept seems interesting by itself, and episodic formats have worked well for games like Telltale's The Walking Dead , so I don't want to completely write it off just yet.
Either way, if the new trailer piqued your interest, you can pre-register for the game now to play it ASAP on Halloween, when it launches. We will share more details about SILENT HILL: Ascension as they are revealed closer to its release on Halloween.