Looking for an awesome gaming chair that is not only comfy, but also functional and stylish? Secretlabs Titan Evo series offers just that – especially in the brand-new Assassin's Creed edition.

If you're a real gamer, you need a nice gaming chair. Because as we all know, the better the chair, the better the gamer... However, the gaming chair market has grown substantially in recent years, in fact, there's almost too much choice. Andthe difference in comfort and quality between brands can be huge. So which chair is the best?
Not an easy question to answer, but luckily we're here to give you advice and support. So today we're taking a look at the brand-new Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 Assassin's Creed Edition.
You've probably stumbled upon Secretlab before when looking for a gaming chair, right? The company is one of the best-known manufacturers of gaming chairs and offers top-notch quality. For the 15th anniversary of the Assassin's Creed series, publisher Ubisoft partnered up with Secretlab for an awesome collaboration, and of course we got a chair right away and put it through its paces for you.
Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 AC Edition: Assembly
Let's start with the exhausting part, the assembly. And hey, it wasn't that strenuous at all. The chair comes in just a few parts and screwdrivers are also included, so you don't need your own tools.

Thanks to the very easy to understand instructions, the assembly is really simple and even the most inexperienced should be able to build the chair without problems. All in all, it took me just under 30 minutes to assemble the chair alone, if you get someone to help you, it's probably even faster.
Oh, and you know what? The backside of the manual can actually be used as a pretty cool Assassin's Creed poster:

Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 AC Edition: Production & Design
As you would expect from Secretlab, the Assassins's Creed Edition is also excellently manufactured. No wonder, since this is the tried and tested Titan Evo 2022 chair, only in the Assassin's Creed design.
All parts of the chair are absolutely tightly connected, nothing feels wobbly or cheap. Only the armrests have a bit of play, which is of course due to the fact that they can be adjusted in all directions to find your perfect sweet spot.

The pieces of burgundy fabric on the right and left sides of the backrest look really great. They certainly lend the chair an appealing look, and they seem well manufactured.
And while we're on the subject of aesthetics, the clever design of the chair should make every AC fan's heart skip a beat. Seen from the front, the design reminds of the Animus from the games, and you haven't even seen the back yet...

Looks good, doesn't it? Can you match the logos of all the games? It took us a while too. Little hint, there are also some spin-offs included.
All in all, we have absolutely nothing to complain about the workmanship and quality of the chair and as you may have gathered, the design has also convinced us.
Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 AC Edition: Features
The Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 in the Assassin's Creed Edition offers all the features you'd expect from a good gaming chair and even a bit more.
The backrest can be adjusted backwards almost to a horizontal position, so there's nothing to stop you from taking a short nap in front of your PC. The armrests can also be adjusted both in height and width. They also can be moved further forward or backward, as well as to the right or left. Of course, the chair is also height-adjustable, and you can also adjust how big the resistance should be when you rock backwards with it.

So much for the standard features that pretty much every gaming chair offers. Let's move on to the features that particularly convinced me. Firstly, there is the lumbar support. Anyone who sits at the PC for a longer period of time every day knows how much of a difference this makes for your back pain. And the lumbar support on the Titan Evo 2022 can be completely adjusted to your needs. Two knobs on the left and right of the chair let you adjust the height of the lumbar support, as well as how much support it should provide. In layman's terms: you can adjust how high or low and how hard this knobby thing in the backrest should press in your back.

The second feature is the magnets. Many individual parts on the chair are equipped with magnets, which makes assembly much easier, but also ensures less frustration during daily use. The armrests are magnetically applied, which means they can be replaced with new or different colored ones at any time (don't worry, they do pink), and the head pillow is also magnetically attached. The latter in particular is a real boon. With most gaming chairs, the head pillow comes with a rubber band that constantly slips or can't be attached properly at all. Thanks to the magnets, the pillow on the Titan Evo 2022 can be easily attached and removed and always be adjusted exactly to your height. Why isn't this the standard by now?
Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 AC Edition: Verdict
I think you can already guess how we feel... Yes, we were absolutely impressed by the Titan Evo 2022 Assassin's Creed Edition. The workmanship is absolutely flawless, the design is awesome, and the features of the chair are all well implemented.
Of course, you should at least be somewhat of a fan of Assassin's Creed if you choose this chair, but it's the lumbar support and magnetic neck pillow that make this chair a real highlight for me.
If you really want to obsessively look for something bad, there's actually only one thing: Since the seat of our model is made of smooth imitation leather, you shouldn't sit naked on the chair especially in summer, or you will stick to this puppy!
We received a chair from Secretlabs to test for our review.