The PS Plus Essential Games for July 2023 are now available to download! You can get three games for free on your PS4 or PS5. We'll give you an overview of what games are available for PS Plus members in July 2023 and what download size they have.

Sony has been offering free games to PlayStation Plus subscribers for a long time. Each month, subscribers can choose from a collection of games they can download and play as long as they keep their subscription up.
The line-up usually includes a nice mix of small indie games, big AAA titles and the wonderful stuff in-between.
PS Plus Free Games August 2023: Leaks, Speculation, Dates
These games can be downloaded for free by subscribers of any tier of the PS Plus system for a short amount of time.
So let's take a look ahead: What do we already know about the PS Plus July 2023 games, and what can we expect?
PS Plus July 2023: Essential Games Lineup Confirmed
PlayStation has now officially confirmed the roster of free games for July 2023.
Here are the three games you'll be able to download in July:
Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War (PS4, PS5)

Not the most popular Call of Duty title of all-time, but one that definitely has its fans. In the past, PS Plus sometimes offered older CoD titles and it's nice to see that tradition continue.
Download Size
- PS4: 166 GB
- PS5: 255 GB
Alan Wake Remastered (PS4, PS5)

Just a few months ahead of the release of Alan Wake 2, PS Plus subscribers get the chance to (re-)play the amazing first game. The remaster polished up the visuals significantly, so the 2010 classic is still a visual knockout.
Download Size
- PS4: 59 GB
- PS5: 29.5 GB
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Endling - Extinction is Forever (PS4, PS5)

Endling is a beautiful and cute indie game which came out last year. In it, you play as the last mother fox on Earth, trying to take care of your cubs to ensure their survival.
Download Size
- PS4: 4.8 GB
- PS5: 2.1 GB
When Can You Download The PS Plus July Essential Games?
The new PS Plus games will be available for download from July 4 over the PS Store, for both PS4 and PS5. Just go to the PS Plus section or to each individual game, and claim them for free.
All PS Plus Essential Games In 2023
There have been quite a lot of really good games in this year's selection of PS Plus essential titles. Here is everything we got this year so far:
January 2023
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PS5, PS4)
- Axiom Verge 2 (PS5, PS4)
- Fallout 76 (PS4)
February 2023
- OlliOlli World (PS5, PS4)
- Mafia: Definitive Edition (PS4)
- Evil Dead: The Game (PS5, PS4)
- Destiny 2: Beyond Light (PS5, PS4)
March 2023
- Battlefield 2042 (PS5, PS4)
- Minecraft: Dungeons (PS4)
- Code Vein (PS4)
April 2023
- Meet Your Maker (PS5, PS4)
- Sackboy: A Big Adventure (PS5, PS4)
- Tails of Iron (PS5, PS4)
May 2023
- GRID Legends (PS5, PS4)
- Chivalry 2 (PS5, PS4)
- Descenders (PS4)
June 2023
- NBA 2k23 (PS5, PS4)
- Jurassic World Evolution 2 (PS5, PS4)
- Trek To Yomi (PS4)
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If you're wondering about the best games to come in 2023, we got you covered there as well: