Minor bugs and balance issues in Overwatch 2 should now be able to be fixed faster in the future, thanks to the new hotfix feature. The feature should now work, according to Blizzard.

Lately, there have been a lot of minor and major bugs in Overwatch 2. The invisible team or the Mei issues, nothing that surprises us too much, unfortunately. A solution for minor problems has now been revealed by the development team: a new hotfix feature. Let's hope that it works just as the developers would like it to.
Hotfix Feature Works Now, Promises Blizzard
Overwatch 2 Season 2 has started and there are more good news for us. Waiting on balance updates and bug fixes in Season 1 often frustrated us. The updates just came too slowly. This was apparently the consequence of a mistake.
As Jon Spector, Overwatch Commercial Leader, says on Twitter, the hotfix feature wasn't available in Season 1. This doesn't explain everything, but it makes all the little mistakes a little more bearable. So let's hope that this is true, and that bugs will be fixed on the fly in the future.
[4/5] We just used a hotfix earlier today to address a collision issue on Shambali and the team is also planning to use that system to make some quick hero balance changes later this week based on the early read of Season 2 hero performance.
— Jon Spector (@Spex_J) December 13, 2022
That the feature works suggests that season 2 could become more balanced. More fun for us, less hate for Blizzard, that's a win-win situation if you ask us. We're definitely grinding the Battle Pass and playing a lot of Overwatch 2 with our friends in the near future. It's too cold outside at the moment anyway, and we can have Winter Wonderland in-game too.
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