Some time has passed since the last Pokémon Presents aired. Now that almost half a year has passed, we wonder what is going to come next to the world of Pokémon.

The Pokémon Presents Livestreams are the Pokémon version of the Nintendo Direct, with new showcases being presented every February and August. That means it's already time for the next update!
Pokémon Presents Release Date
A recent leak found in the Pokémon Masters EX data suggests that the livestream will be exactly a week from now, on August 8, 2023. The last one was back in February of this year, so it's been almost half a year.
Potential Announcements
We don't have too many clues on what to expect in the livestream, but after the last one, we can now make some educated guesses.
For starters, the Pokémon World Championship in Yokohama is this August, and we could get new information on that. The champions from Europe and Oceania have been announced recently, and we can most likely expect some more exciting news.
Another news that we could see coming is an update to Detective Pikachu Returns, since the game is arriving on October 6. We've already gotten a fun trailer in the Nintendo Direct in June, but there is still so much to discover.
We might also get some new info on Pokémon Concierge. Likewise, we still don't know much about the Netflix stop-motion series, other than that its release will be sometime in December 2023. It seems to have a cheerful summer holiday theme, the name might also suggest some sort of hotel setting. We will have to wait and see!
The last Pokémon Presents announced the new Pokémon GO Plus + device , which has now come out. You should check it out if you play a lot of Pokémon Go or Sleep!
Other than that, there will most likely be smaller updates to various Pokémon mobile games or even Scarlet and Violet, since the Poké-Team is still actively putting out new DLCs and working on those games.