Avalanche Studios have officially revealed that they're working a new Just Cause game. Even more excitingly, a certain job listing has given away what kind of game they want to make...

Developers Confirm New Just Cause Game
In a recent briefing for investors, Avalanche Studios made it clear that they were working on a new Just Cause game. Here's what they said exactly:
The JUST CAUSE franchise will remain our IP, and we are at work developing a new title in the franchise.
So now we can 100% confirm for you guys that it is on its way. Of course that could mean years or even decades, but at least it's coming.
We also know that they want to make it an open-world game based on a recent job advertisement, which asks for someone to work on the following project:
Avalanche Studios are crafting our next cutting-edge AAA open-world game
What do you think, a GTA-style Just Cause? Is that too ambitious or could it work? Personally we'd rather they went down the linear route, but we'll hold back on judgement until we know more.
That's all we know so far about the new Just Cause game. You've still got a while to wait for it, though, so why not play the Game of the Year to kill the time?