A Microsoft lawyer accidentally spilled the beans on when we can expect The Elder Scrolls 6. And the info is pretty surprising.

Starfield is coming out very soon, and we’re all super hyped for it. But the big one that even more people are waiting for is of course The Elder Scrolls 6. While we expected to wait ages for this game, an unlikely source just revealed that it could come much sooner than expected, as a Microsoft lawyer accidentally revealed a surprising release date.
Microsoft Lawyer Accidentally Reveals The Elder Scrolls 6 Release Date
The recent FTC trial concerning Microsoft and their attempted acquisition of Activision Blizzard has been an absolute gold mine for all kinds of leaks. The latest one is maybe the most bizarre incident so far, as Microsoft’s lawyer accidentally spilled the beans on The Elder Scrolls 6.
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When the series was mentioned in court as a comparison to Call of Duty, the lawyer intervened and revealed some juicy deeds:
Could I clarify one issue that council raised with you, when you were asking about Zenimax and asked him to find a game that was most similar to Xbox, he mentioned Elder Scrolls. That is incorrect. There are two Elder Scrolls games, one is online called Elder Scrolls Online – that is a multiplayer game, it is on PlayStation today. The game he’s talking about Elder Scrolls 16... the projected release is 2026 as a single-player game. It is not anywhere similar to Call of Duty, which as you know is multiplayer and multi-platform.
No, this is not a typo, he did actually say Elder Scrolls 16 according to The Verge. This clearly refers to The Elder Scrolls 6, but is the game actually projected for a release in 2026? While this is really exciting (and highly amusing), it seems unlikely.
For one, Bethesda is fully focused on Starfield and will continue to be so for a long while to support the game. So TES6 will most likely not even be in full production yet. Also, Xbox chief Phil Spencer said during the trial that the game is at least “five plus years” away. So that doesn’t line up either.
I wouldn’t get my hopes up. But who knows, maybe Bethesda and Microsoft genuinely think that the much-anticipated title will come out in 2026? That would be pretty ambitious, though.