Smilegate & Amazon Games revealed the first Roadmap for Lost Ark. Here's everything new that's coming in April & May.

Lost Ark is a great game and already has tons of content. But you know how it is with gamers... always yearning for more. But don't worry, dear Lost Ark friends, you will get more. Amazon & Smilegate promised us big updates for the next few months, and they finally revealed the Lost Ark roadmap for April & May in a recent blog post. Here's everything new that's coming to the game!
Lost Ark Roadmap: New Classes
One of the best new additions to Lost Ark are two new Subclasses, which will arrive in the next couple of months. Here's a detailed breakdown of the classes:
New Martial Artist Advanced Class – Glaivier
The first new class in the new roadmap is Glaivier, a female martial arts fighter who is focused on attacks with spears and glaives. Read the official description here:
Practicing an artistic and deadly form of martial arts, the Glaivier slices and dices her way through the battlefield, weaving together attacks with her spear and glaive. The Glaivier has two distinct skill sets which can be swapped between— Focus and Flurry— with each stance and skill set represented by one of her two weapons. The shorter spear is used to unleash a furious barrage in the Flurry stance, while the longer glaive harnesses Focus stance for gracefully lethal strikes and sweeping attacks. While certain builds may focus your attention onto one of these weapons, an effective Glaivier can maximize their potential by creating balance between the two stances, building up energy in one stance which grants an impactful stat-boost when swapping to the other.
This sounds awesome, and we can't wait to play her! She is already in the Korean version, there she's called the lance master, so some players might be at least partially familiar with her. The Glaivier will be the fifth Martial Artist Advanced Class, next to the Wardancer, Soulfist, Striker, and Scrapper.
When Is The Glaivier Coming To Lost Ark?
The Glaivier will come to Lost Ark in April. However, the exact release date hasn't been specified.
New Warrior Advanced Class – Destroyer
The next new class that will come to Lost Ark soon is the Destroyer, a fearsome warrior who pummels his enemies with big hammers. Here's how the developers describe him:
We’ve talked about the cataclysmic impact that Warriors have on the battlefield, but nothing embodies this better than the hammer-wielding Destroyer. Armed with a variety of skills centered around charging into the heart of the fray, their hammer attacks are so catastrophically crushing that Destroyers can bend gravity to their will— slowing, launching, pushing and pulling enemies— whatever it takes to utterly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, destroy them.
Big dude, big hammer, big damage – what's not to love? The Destroyer will join the Berserker, Paladin, and Gunlancer as the fourth Warrior Advanced Class.
When Is The Destroyer Coming To Lost Ark?
The Destroyer will come to Lost Ark in May. Yet again, Smilegate and Amazon haven't given out a concrete release date yet.
Lost Ark Roadmap: New Continent – South Vern

Players won't only get new classes to play with, but also a new area to explore and loot it. The new continent South Vern will be added to the game soon, and as you can see in the image above, it looks absolutely gorgeous. And it sounds fascinating as well:
The settlers of South Vern borrowed technology from many different races to turn this once-barren land into a place of abundant waters and green pastures. Hearing rumors of the dangers that plagued North Vern, the Senate shut South Vern down and formed a new knightly order. Suspecting that something was amiss, Ealyn, the Queen of Vern ordered Knight Commander Avele to investigate. What could be happening to this peaceful continent? Uncover the mysteries of South Vern as you venture into this new region, encounter new characters, and complete quests.
We are really excited to explore South Vern, but we will have to grind a bit more to get there: it will be the second Tier 3 continent in Lost Ark, next to Punika, and require an item level of 1340 to start playing in it.
When Is South Vern Coming To Lost Ark?
The new continent South Vern will arrive in the game at some point in April.
Lost Ark Roadmap: New Raids
The last bit of new content that is promised in the Lost Ark roadmap is the inclusion of new raids. Next to the different types of dungeons in Lost Ark, raids are some of the most fun and worthwhile activities in Lost Ark, with fun, challenging fights and tons of great loot. If you want to fill your purse in Lost Ark, raids are the thing you want to get into. And developer Smilegate wants to bring new ones to the game soon.
New Lost Ark Raid: Trial Guardian Raids
Trial Guardian Raids will come to Lost Ark in May, offering players a new weekly challenge. Every week, you will have the chance to fight three Guardians, special bosses who will rotate in and out every week. In their blog post, the developers explain how these new raids will differ from the Guardian Raids, which are already part of Lost Ark:
Trial Guardian Raids will add a new weekly activity for players looking for a challenge. Each week, players can attempt to defeat three Trial Guardians. Every Guardian has their own required item level to enter, and each week one Guardian will rotate out, replaced by a different foe. Differing from a normal Guardian Raid, Trial Guardian Raids will apply ‘Scale of Harmony’ so that your characters’ item level will be adjusted appropriately to that of their enemy. Additionally, players cannot use the Battle Workshop in the raid region. However, with increased challenge comes increased rewards. Rewards for each Challenge Guardian can be obtained once per roster, per week, and offer more diverse rewards than normal Guardian Raids.
New Lost Ark Raid: Guardian Raid - Deskaluda
Talking about Guardian Raids... there will of course be a new one of those as well. In May, the Guardian Raid Deskaluda will come to Lost Ark. This special raid will have you fight a terrifying (and cool as heck) mecha-bird thing, and we're soooo excited. The developers promise, that it will be a late game raid and require an item level of 1415 to even attempt.

New Lost Ark Raid: Legion Raid - Valtan
We're moving away from Guardians with the last new raid coming to Lost Ark in May: a Legion Raid featuring the fearsome Valtan. With this, Legion Raids will celebrate their debut in the western version of Lost Ark, and it sounds like players are in for a doozy:
Valtan will introduce the first Legion Raid into the western version of Lost Ark. Legion Raids are difficult team-based activities that require teamwork to understand and enact the strategy necessary to counter each Legion Commander's unique characteristics, abilities, and mechanics. As Legion Raids are challenging and take time, there are gates (or checkpoints) that will save player's progress as they advance through the Raid. Valtan is an eight-player Legion raid, and introduces a swathe of new mechanics.
Just like for Deskaluda, players will need to have an item level of at least 1415 to fight this ugly beast.
Lost Ark Roadmap: General Updates
The last section we have to cover about the roadmap is the announcement of general updates coming to the game. In April & May, a slew of different quality-of-life improvements and other changes will be introduced to the game. Here's what has been announced:
General Updates in April
- Improved co-op party play for Secret Maps: all four members can submit a map to get rewards with one run.
- Chat tab settings are shared across a player's Roster.
- Improved Book of Coordination settings: Can use skill presets, tripod level, skill runes, gems, item set effects, more
- New log-in rewards, in-game events, skins & store updates
- Feiton powerpass that provides item level 960 gear
General Updates in May
- A new menu to check daily & weekly content participation
- UI updates
- Improved party finder & party invites
- Updated loot dismantling
- Convenience features for Market/Auction House
- New hairstyles for customization
- And More!