A reliable leaker revealed, that a previous hint towards the GTA 6 setting was correct and they confirmed the setting of the game.

I know, I know... another GTA 6 leak, what's it gonna be this time? Is the game set on the moon? Will we play in the 1860s? No, none of this crap. I'm as tired as the next guy, so I only deal in things that are credible enough. And this one is pretty good: a known and reliable leaker seems to have confirmed the setting of GTA 6!
Easter Egg In GTA: The Trilogy Is Actually From GTA 6
You might remember a easter egg in GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, which might not be a good game but definitely has the best name of any game ever. In there, a new image appeared and people were theorizing that it might be a hint towards GTA 6. Now famous and reliable GTA leaker Matheusvictiorbr revealed on Twitter, that yes, this was in fact a picture from the setting of GTA 6.
After a few months. I have it confirmed that this image is from the Next Title in the Grand Theft Auto series. The location in the game, is possibly inspired by American suburbia, in the vicinity of Hollywood or Florida.
So there you have it, this image (which you can see at the top of this article) actually seems to be from GTA 6! But of course, this is just a leak, a claim from someone, so until we get anything official, take this with a grain of salt. But Matheus has established himself as a reliable GTA leaker, a voice people listen to and trust, who revealed details about the game's story before and who enjoys a great reputation in the community. So we trust him on this one... at least for now.