Genshin Impact was announced to come to Nintendo Switch in 2020, but nothing has happened so far. Here is everything you need to know about a possible release date.

Genshin Impact is already out on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 , Android, iOS and PC. But when will the free-to-play fantasy RPG finally be available for Nintendo Switch players? Here is everything we know about the release of Genshin Impact on the Switch.
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Genshin Impact For Nintendo Switch
More than 3 years ago Genshin Impact was announced for Nintendo Switch , but we haven't heard anything new about it since then. MiHoYo even released a whole trailer for it.
The delay is probably in-part due to the corona pandemic. As MiHoYo has its headquarters in Shanghai, the game manufacturer has had to deal with a lot of lockdowns in the past three years.
The statement that Genshin will be released for Switch was originally made by Sam Lai, MiHoYo's head of communications in January 2020. His latest comment was that the Switch version is currently in development and that they plan to beta test it once it is ready.
The official release date is not yet known and MiHoYo has kept a very low profile over the past years, but as soon as something changes, you can be sure to hear from us.