Here is everything you need to know about Diablo 4's PvP mode and the Fields of Hatred.

There are many fun things to experience in Diablo 4. One of them is of course PvP. This means there are more interesting builds to try out and play styles, as fighting a large amount of mobs or a player makes quite a difference. If you want to engage in PvP, you need to head to the Fields of Hatred, so let me explain exactly, how they work.
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Diablo 4 PvP: Fields Of Hatred
So what are the Fields of Hatred? They are areas, in which you can fight other players, bosses, open chests, and take part in events.
There are two Fields of Hatred in Diablo 4 that each come with their own settlement and waypoint. The first one is in the Dry Steppes and the waypoint is called "Alzuuda", the second one is in Kehjistan with the waypoint "Denshar". You can see them both on this screenshot:

While you are in the Fields everything you do will earn you Seeds of Hatred. Those are the currency here, which you can turn into Red Dust at an Altar of Extraction with a Purification Ritual. You can find three of these altars in any field. Beware that your Seeds will disappear, if you leave the area without doing a ritual or die. If youdie, you will drop the seeds and another player can pick them up.
If you want to engage in PvP, you need to turn it on in the quick wheel (E). This will give you the "Mark of Blood" and mark you red for other players to see that you are ready to fight them. You can only attack other players when either you are marked or the player you are attacking is marked. If you want to stop the slaughter, go to the Altar of Cleansing in the next settlement to get rid of your mark.

While playing in the Fields of Hatred, you might notice that there is one player always shown on your map. That is the Hatred's Chosen or in simpler terms, the person with the most kills. This MVP can't perform a Purification ritual at the altar. But in exchange, he gets more powerful rewards for staying alive, while being hunted by the other players.
After collecting enough Seeds of hatred and turning them into Red Dust, you can use that dust to purchase specific items in the nearby settlement. These include new transmogrification, mounts
And that's all you need to know about the Fields of Hatred in Diablo 4. Now let's dive back into the world of Sanctuary and slaughter some people!