In this article, we'll explain everything you need to know about clans in Diablo 4 and how you can create or join them to enhance your gameplay experience.

Diablo 4 is an online game with a shared world, where players can choose to play alone or join up as a group to fight demons. The easiest way to always find a few players to grind with is to create or join a clan. This also makes joining other players sessions way easier.
So, how do you create or join a clan in Diablo 4? Let's take a look.
Diablo 4: How To Create Or Join A Clan
Creating a Clan is easy. Just go to the in-game menu and look for the Clan tab (on PC you can just hit the "N"-key to do so). Now select "Create Clan" and you will be asked to input the Clan name, tag, description, language, and labels. Just follow the steps and once you are done, you can access all the Clan's settings and permission features to customize and protect your own Clan.
If you just want to join a clan, instead of hitting the "Create Clan" button, push the "Join Clan" button. Now you can either search for a specific Clan or just join a random Clan by sending a request.
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So, let's take a look at all the options a Clan leader has after creating their own clan:
Clan Details
- Visibility can be set to public or private
- Description, language, and labels can be edited
- The Message of the Day feature can be used to keep clan members informed
- Clan Information can be used to list social media links, Discord, and website information
Clan Permissions
- Permissions for different ranks can be edited
- Minimum rank required for various actions can be set, such as sending the message of the day or promoting/demoting members
- Actions include inviting new members, speaking in clan voice chat, and banning/unbanning members
Clan Heraldry
- Banner shape, texture, symbols, and dye can be edited to create a unique heraldry for the clan
Clan Bans
- A list of banned members can be viewed
- The clan can be disbanded

Joining a Clan
- Clans can be searched for based on language and label
- Clan information includes name, tag, leader, members, labels, and heraldry
- A request to join a clan can be sent, and acceptance by the leader/officers is required.
So yes, the whole clan system in Diablo 4 works like pretty much any other clan system. If you plan on playing a lot with friends, we recommend creating a clan, even if you are only a couple of people. Just set your clan to private if you don't want to get a ton of join requests. As mentioned before, being in a clan just makes joining up to play much easier, especially if you are on different platforms.