Stuck on the boss fight in the "Spider and the Fly" quest in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty? Here is how you beat the Spider-like machine and get yourself into safety!

With the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty expansion, the devs not only included new and intriguing NPCs like Solomon Reed or Songbird, but also some memorable bossfights.
The Chimera fight is surely one of those once in the lifetime experiences, as you don't fight another human-being, but rather a formidable Militech combat robot.
Here is how you beat the Chimera boss!
Cyberpunk 2077: How To Beat Chimera Phase 1

In order to beat the boss, you have to destroy all of its weak points, which are glowing up. The safest option is to use a long range weapon and hide behind pillars and walls, while waiting for your opportunity. If you run out of ammo at some point, get to the corner of the upper floor, as there are tons of ammo boxes waiting to be looted.
Using quickhacks on Chimera is also a good option, as you're able to stop it from moving or firing. If you happen to have sufficient RAM (which is unlikely, because you need A LOT) you can trigger a "Cyberpsychosis" on the boss, which most likely will insta-kill it.
Once you have taken down all the weakspots, drones will swarm the area and try to repair the Chimera. Make sure to destroy them as quickly as possible, especially the drones with the yellow symbol, so the Chimera won't regain much of its HP.
Using the Quickhack "Short Cicuit" should do the trick, as this will instantly kill the drones.
Cyberpunk 2077: How To Beat Chimera Phase 2

Once the drones are history, the second phase of the fight will begin, and the Chimera will release poisonous gas down below. You should head up to the higher level and take cover behind the walls and pillars once more.
During this phase, you can't target any weakspots, so your best option is to shoot with your most powerful weapons and use quickhacks. If you have nine Body attribute points, you can also activate the turrets on the upper floor, which will make the boss go down much faster.
Once the Chimera reaches 2% health, it stops shooting, and you can jump down and throw a grenade into it, to finally kill it off for good. With the Militech Roboter Chimera dead, you can pick up the Chimera Core and move on with the main storyline!
And just in case you don't know for what the Core is used for and why to pick it up in the first place, you can read all about the possible mods you can get in this article!