The gaming world has been buzzing for some time about a breakthrough in the shooter world of CS:GO. Now a big new leak about CSGO 2 has appeared.

The release of Counter Strike: Global Offensive 2 is expected soon, and today new leaks have emerged about Valve's innovative 3D game engine "Source 2."
Source 2 In CS:GO 2?
There were a lot of rumors floating around the internet about Source 2 to be used in the new version of CS:GO, while none of them actually confirmed it.
One of the first rumors came when an NVIDIA driver update showed the "csgo2" executable application, which naturally sparked massive speculation about a potential sequel or update to this now old game.
The next message comes from Richard Lewis himself, whose credibility we mentioned in a previous article about CS:GO 2. He informed that there is already a beta version of Counter-Strike just in Source 2, which is already playable.
Meanwhile, through the March 6 Dota 2 update, further information has just been uncovered about CS:GO being ported to Source 2. The leak is particularly credible because Dota 2 uses Source 2 as its engine, as it was the first game developed on Valve's state-of-the-art system. Gabe Follower, Valve's leaker, has uncovered numerous references in the game's code to the new CS:GO and its potential jump to the new engine.
Biggest CS:GO leak on Source 2 just appeared in the latest Dota 2 update, there's A LOT, so I'll post everything in thread
— Gabe Follower 2 (@gabefollower) March 6, 2023
The data includes case keys, spray kits, maps, player models and even a new operation.
While this new leak isn't concrete proof that CSGO's Source 2 port will soon be out for beta testing, it at least shows evidence of the port's existence. However, we as gamers can be sure that we will soon be able to enjoy the new engine in CS:GO!