We've all seen the amazing (and surprisingly adult) customization options in Baldur's Gate 3. But can Origin characters also use these options? And once you've chosen a look, can you go back and edit your appearance at any time?

Baldur's Gate 3 is incredible, and it features one of the most absurdly complex Character Create systems we've ever seen. But once you get past Character Create, can you ever alter your appearance again? And what about players who choose to play as Origin characters, will these folks simply never get to change appearance in Baldur's Gate 3?
Can You Change Your Appearance In Baldur's Gate 3?
Yes, you can now change your appearance in BG3 at anytime if you are playing Custom Origin or Dark Urge, just approach the magic mirror in your camp and interact with it. This is all thanks to patch 3 (love these devs):
With Patch 3 comes the Magic Mirror, which lives in your camp and allows you to change your Tav's appearance whenever you'd like! Change appearance, voice, pronouns Race & body type can't be changed Can't alter Origins - they're all *very* particular about their hair pic.twitter.com/LJ6y9CZ58F
— Baldur's Gate 3 (@baldursgate3) September 21, 2023
Yep, in a game where we can sleep with bears, raise an army of undead, and choose our own genitals, we can finally get a haircut. Yahoo!
We weren't joking about the bear sex....
Mask of the Shapeshifter
If you pre-order the Digital Deluxe edition of the game then you also get access to something called the "Mask of the Shapeshifter", which will allow you to temporarily assume the appearance of another gender or race. However, this is really just a short-term disguise and it won't actually change your appearance.
You can find the Mask of the Shapeshifter in a chest next to Shadowheart in your camp:

Anyway, have a great adventure in Baldur's Gate 3!
And if you're brave (stupid) enough to try and play solo: