Assassin's Creed Mirage is a blast from the past if you love the older Assassin's Creed games. So, of course, stealth plays an important role in Assassin's Creed Mirage. That won't be possible if your notoriety level is too high, though. No worries, we'll show you how you can decrease your notoriety levels with ease, so can go back to sneaking around in peace.

If there's one thing that you'll want to avoid while playing Assassin's Creed Mirage, it's getting caught and arrested by the guards. The higher your notoriety gets, the more likely it'll be that Basim will be noticed and reported to the guards.
Assassin's Creed Mirage brings you back to the series' roots and is heavily reliant on stealth. So, if you want to continue sneaking around the alley of Baghdad, you'll want to keep your notoriety as low as possible. We'll show you just how you can do that in Assassin's Creed Mirage.
Assassin's Creed Mirage: How Notoriety Works
What Is Notoriety

Your notoriety scale basically shows you how much other people around Baghdad will notice you. Since you're trying to sneak unnoticed as Basim, the fewer people recognize and notice you, the better.
Alas, the more mischief you get into, the higher your notoriety will get and NPCs will notice you more frequently and then report you to the guards. Obviously, you want to avoid this from happening, so you'll want to decrease your notoriety as quickly as possible. But wait, how do you even gain notoriety in the first place?
How You Gain Notoriety

Depending on how much trouble you've gotten into, your notoriety will reach three different levels:
- Level 1: Civilians might recognize Basim and call the guards to their location. Wanted posters will now start to spawn.
- Level 2: The guards' perception is increased, and they are more likely to notice you. In addition to that, archers will now spawn on rooftops and patrol around there. Civilians are now more likely to report you to guards. More wanted posters will spawn now.
- Level 3: From now on, civilians will start to gather around your posters, and it is very likely that they will recognize and report you. Guards are also very likely to recognize you on their own. Plus, the Elite Shakiriyya guards are now on the loose and are looking for you.
If you want to check which level your notoriety is at, look for the bar in the bottom left corner, just like in the image above. Hopefully your bar isn't as full as this one is, though.
In general, your notoriety will rise when you cause any sort of trouble in Baghdad, especially when guards catch you in the act. The less chaos you get into, the less people will know about you. Of course, you can't just always stay out of trouble in Assassin's Creed Mirage, so we'll also show you how you can lower your notoriety levels as well.
How To Decrease Your Notoriety
Thankfully, it isn't hard to decrease your notoriety levels, especially if you start early enough. The first easy step is to remove your wanted posters, so civilians won't recognize you as much. You can see where they're hung up by checking your minimap. Make sure no one sees you doing this, though.
Another way you can decrease your notoriety is by bribing certain NPCs called Munadi with a Favor Token. This won't work if you're currently in a battle, so make sure you're out of danger before seeking out a Munadi.
The last known way to decrease notoriety is by killing the mercenaries that were sent out to find you. If you've reached level three, then you'll want to take out the Elite guards that were sent after you, before they can catch Basim.
The earlier you start to remove your posters, the easier it will be to remain undetected.
Hopefully, these tips will help you to stay sneaky in Assassin's Creed Mirage! If you need any more tips and tricks for the game, check out our other guides!