Know the map and win more games in Among Us; it’s that simple. So today, we look at Polus, its security cameras and tasks, to help you become a better Crewmate ...or Imposter.
Polus is the third Among Us map we have looked at in this series so check out our map guide for The Skeld and MiraHq if you wish to learn everything about the other Among Us maps. In this guide, we take a look at the research station. Polus is the largest map in Among Us so it can take some time traveling between rooms. That's why it is very important that you know where you are going, or you will waste too much time consulting the in-game map.
Polus Map Layout

It is best to memorize the location and name of each room on the map so you can better communicate what you see during play.
Here is a list of room on Polus:
- Laboratory
- Admin
- Greenhouse
- Balcony
- Reactor
- Communications
- Launchpad
- Security
- MedBay
- Office
- Launchpad
- Locker Room
- Storage
- Dropship
- Electrical
- Exterior
- O2
- Boiler Room
- Communications
Another thing you can see on the map are the red boxes these mark the vents and the red lines show where the vents go. All vents are two-way and can be used to go either way and just like the room names you should know which rooms have vents.
- READ MORE: The Story of Among Us
A list of rooms with vents (consult the map if it seems confusing):
Outside Electrical < > Outside Drop Ship
Storage < > Communications < > Outside Office
Security < > O2 < > Outside between Communications and O2
Room near Labrartory < > Outside < > Admin < > Outside Weapons
A lot of vents and they connect in long chains on this map allowing the Imposter some great mobility but as we will look at next it comes with a huge disadvantage. We are of course referring to the security Cameras which have a view of several vents and there are 6 places they monitor. The following areas are under surveillance, marked as yellow boxes on the map.
- Electrical
- South of O2
- Office and Communications
- Outside of weapons
- The large open space in the east part of the map
- Outside Laboratory
To access the security system head to The Security Room and you will need to use the arrow keys to flip through each camera on the map, so it is a little harder to use than the one on The Skeld.
How to Use Vitals

A special feature on Polus is the ability to monitor the player’s vitals. Go to the room next to the office to access the terminal and see if any player is dead or alive.
The Tasks on Polus
A major part of playing Among us is spent completing tasks and all of them are very easy to actually do and take little skill. Sometimes it’s simple as flipping a switch so there is no need to explain how to actually do the tasks, but rather explain why they are important and what ones have a visual queue seen in-game. That’s right some tasks actually show you an animation when it is completed while others simply just tick up the taskbar. The Visual tasks can prove you are not an Imposter.
The following tasks have a visual:
Submit Scan in MedBay

Clear Asteroids in Weapons

The rest of the tasks on Polus are done in the following rooms:
- Align Telescope is done in the Laboratory
- Chart Course at the Dropship
- Empty Garbage is done at O2
- Fill Canisters is done at O2
- Fix Weather Node is done Outside (one of six locations) and in the Laboratory
- Fix Wiring is done in Decontamination, Electrical, Laboratory O2, or Office
- Fuel Engines is done in Storage and Outside
- Insert Keys at Dropship
- Inspect Sample is done in the Laboratory
- Monitor Tree is done in O2
- Open Waterways is done in the boiler Room and Outside (below Office)
- Reboot Wifi is done in Communications
- Record Temperature is in the Laboratory or Outside
- Repair Drill is done in the Laboratory
- Replace Water Jug is done in the Boiler Room and in the Office
That's all we got for Polus! Knowledge is power and knowing the map is the most powerful thing you can do in Among Us to sus out the Imposters.
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