Know the map and win more games of Among Us, it’s that simple. So today we look at MiraHQ, its security cameras, and tasks all in an effort to make you a better Crewmate or Impostor.
MiraHQ is the second Among Us map in our series, so make sure to check out the information about The Skeld here if you wish to learn everything about the starting map in Among Us.
In this guide, we take a look at the sky base MiraHQ. Unlike the other maps, MiraHQ does not have security cameras, so that is one less thing you have to worry about. However, the vent system on this map is very complicated, so it's a lot harder to remember what vent is in what room.
MiraHQ Map Layout

It is best to memorize the location and name of each room on the map so you can better communicate what you see during play.
- READ MORE: The Story of Among Us
Rooms on MiraHQ:
- Laboratory
- Cafeteria
- Admin
- Greenhouse
- Balcony
- Reactor
- Communications
- MedBay
- Office
- Launchpad
- Locker Room
- Storage
Another thing you can see on the map are the red boxes – these mark the vents and the red lines show you where the vents go. All vents are two-way and can be used to go either way and just like with the room names, you should know which rooms have vents.
Rooms with vents
Consult the map if this seems confusing but here they are:
- Greenhouse < > Office < > Admin
- Office < > Laboratory
- Admin < > Cafeteria < > Balcony
- Balcony < > MedBay
- MedBay < > Locker Room hallway
- Locker Room Hallway < > Launch Pad < > Reactor < > Decontamination
- Laboratory < > Reactor < > Decontamination
Talk about a game of vents! It’s like we're playing whack a mole on this map and really adds for some "never feel safe" moments. Study the locations carefully and it will aid you greatly on this map. All vents are linear and must be accessed in a chain, for example, you cannot skip the Cafeteria on your way from Admin to Balcony. It should be noted that only the Impostor can use the vents and when you do use the vents be very careful no one sees you using them.
Tasks on MiraHQ
A major part of playing Among Us is spent completing tasks – all of them are very easy to actually do and take little skill. Sometimes, it’s as simple as flipping a switch, so there is no need to explain how to actually do the tasks, but rather why they are important and which ones have a visual queue in-game.
That’s right, some tasks actually display an animation when completed while others simply just tick up the taskbar. The visual tasks are an easy way to prove you are not an Impostor. The following tasks have a visual:
- Submit Scan, done in the MedBay.
Yep, that's the only one. Have fun getting paranoid about all the other tasks on this map!

Other Tasks on MiraHQ
- Assemble Artifact is done in the Laboratory
- Buy Beverage is done in the Cafeteria
- Chart Course is done in Admin
- Clean O2 Filters is done in the Greenhouse
- Clear Asteroids is done on the Balcony
- Divert Power is done in Reactor, Admin, Cafeteria, Communications, Greenhouse, Laboratory, Launchpad, MedBay, or Office
- Empty Garbage is done in the Cafeteria
- Enter Id Code is done in Admin
- Fix Wiring is done in Greenhouse, Office Hallway, Laboratory, Locker Room, or Storage.
- Fuel Engines is done on the Launchpad
- Measure Weather is done on the Balcony
- Prime Shields is done in Admin
- Process Data is done in the Office
- Run Diagnostics is done on the Launchpad
- Sort Samples is done in the Laboratory
- Start Reactor is done in the Reactor
- Unlock Manifolds is done in the Reactor
- Water Plants is done in Storage and the Greenhouse
The Door Log

The unique gameplay mechanic on the MiraHQ map is the door log. To access the door log, you need to go to the Communications room and it will show people who walked past the censors located throughout the ship.
The sensors are all in the hallways: the three-way junction just north of the Cafeteria. Once a player walks across the sensor line, they will be registered in the door log. Use that info wisely!
That's all we got for MiraHQ! Knowledge is power and knowing the map is the most powerful thing you can do in Among Us to sus out the Impostors.
Next, we will do the final map Polus in a similar fashion. Keep up with the latest esports and gaming news here, on EarlyGame.